
Create Your Own All-Natural Electrolyte Drinks

Electrolyte beverages can help beat summer heat by replenishing essential minerals and fluids when your body needs significant rehydration. Electrolytes are minerals imperative for healthy muscle action and proper nerve function.

4 Delicious Foods & Spices For Balanced Blood Sugar

Glucose, the main form of sugar circulating in our blood stream, is also the main form of fuel burned by our cells so that we can live and function. For getting into many types of cells, glucose (and certain other nutrients) needs a key to open the “door.” That key is insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas.  Though glucose is necessary for life, sometimes the level in circulation can get too high and cause all sorts of problems. 

Creative Uses For Your Home Canned Goods Harvest

As the main canner and preserver in my family, I spend a few days in the autumn preserving as much of our harvest as I can. I usually end up with about 30 jars of pickled cucumbers, pickled beets, canned tomatoes, and pickled dill beans.

5 DIY Lip Scrubs For Chapped Lips

Winter is here so you know what that means: chapped lips! Along with drinking plenty of water and applying lip balm, you should also be using lip scrubs at least once a week.

Superfood 101: Durian!

Durian is a member of the family Bombacaceae or Kapok-tree family of the genus Durio Adanson, also known as durio P, containing one species Durio zibethinus Murray, commonly known as durian P. according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

4 Recipes For Wild Violets

Foraging for violets before spring is over? I am too. Before you go picking any, make sure you can positively ID violets and know how to harvest them (both the flowers and leaves are edible). Violets do have a few lookalikes (which aren't edible), but for the most part they're easy to identify.

Turn Your Beauty Bag Natural In 2018: Homemade Skin Scrubs

Scrubbing your skin is part and parcel of a good and basic skincare routine. But do we really need those store-bought tubes to do a job that homemade ingredients do just as well, if not better?

DIY Spa Night: Pamper Yourself Naturally At Home

Need one night to unwind? Try hosting your own DIY spa night: You can invite a bunch of your friends over, or just keep it a solo party. Either way, you're bound to have fun and get pampered!

Chocolate Avocado Facial Mask

This mask is great for all skin types, especially dry, maturing, and sun damaged skin. This mask is completely edible and tastes like chocolate pudding – so no worries if some gets in your mouth!


Easy, Chocolaty, Gluten-Free Brownies Recipe

Sometimes we’re content eating greens and chickpeas; other times we want something a little more indulgent. This easy gluten-free brownie recipe is for those other times. It’s rich and chocolaty, but doesn’t carry the baggage associated with processed sugar and refined flour.

How To Live A Heart Healthy Life

The heart wants what the heart wants—and that includes being healthy as well. So after we protect the heart from emotional pain, here’s what we need to do to keep it in the pink of health, physically.