
Choose Self-Love: 5 Steps To Ascension

The thought occurred to me today that if energy flows where attention goes then the $10 billion dollar a year self-improvement industry in the U.S. alone is actually contributing to the perpetuating mental and emotional belief that “you are not enough” exactly the way you are. This contradicts every sacred text and teaching that I have ever come across. You exist therefore you are enough. Your essence was born from the frequency of the Source of all life. That is enough to make your existence completely and fully valid.

Healing Journeys: Mary Beth Shaw & Connecting With Self

Mary Beth Shaw is an energy healing practitioner with whom I recently enjoyed a session.  The experience was a roller coaster of emotions that left me feeling more strongly connected to my Self and my loved ones, and also with a clearer vision of my purpose and personal priorities.

7 Ways To Reframe Your Resolutions (& Keep Them)

With jingling bells at every corner and cheery lights decking every store, December is a truly happy month. Add to that hot soups, eggnog, cakes and pies, and shopping by the dozen, and you get a season that can make you joyful inside and out.

Life’s Little Lessons: Self-Improvement

We all peer into the mirror every day, multiple times each day. But do we really “see” ourselves? Most of us maintain an outer façade—and this veneer is basically the kind of person we want people to see us as. Sometimes, this outer veneer of ours is so solidly fixed in place that we forget to self-reflect upon who we really are. And when we forget to do that, we leave no scope of self-improvement. For us to be better every day, we have to be aware of our true selves and open up a path to regular self-improvement.

Fixed Mindset Versus Growth Mindset: The Key To Success

Mindset. It’s become somewhat of a buzzword. We say things like, “I wasn’t in the right mindset to do X,” or “I want to change my mindset,” but what do we really mean when we use the term? Based on the way we speak about mindset, apparently one’s mindset has a significant effect on outcomes in life. Precisely. Mindset is powerful.

Stepping Into The Realm Of Potentiality

The meeting of human potential is crucial to the survival and proliferation of our species, and we partake in this movement through optimizing our state of perception as individuals.

The manner in which we rightly impact society directly correlates to the extent to which we move towards the fulfilling of our own potential. In other words, to elicit our “best selves” is to make the world a better place.

How might we accomplish this? How might we step into the realm of our own potentiality?

New Year's Resolution (Part 1): Make It S.M.A.R.T.

From late November through New Year’s Eve, we can become overtaken with this season of comfort and cheer, celebration and indulgence. We typically arrive at the end of the year with a full belly, large credit card bill, and in addition to warm, cozy feelings of love and camaraderie, some feelings of shame or guilt or “time to get back to work!” Does this sound slightly familiar? I’d be surprised if it didn’t, and if not, you must tell me your secret!