
Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Gloriosa Daisy (Black-Eyed Susan)

Gloriosa daisy is a member of the family Asteraceae or Aster family of the genus Rudbeckia L. or coneflower P containing the species Rudbeckia hirta L. or black-eyed Susan P. The plant  is native to several regions of lower North America and was used by several tribes as a medicinal herb.

How To Keep Deer Out Of Your Garden

After living in San Diego for several years, my husband and I moved to a small town in the Pacific Northwest where our closest neighbors are raccoons, owls, and, most abundantly, deer. We see them at all times of the day: in the morning from our bedroom window, in the afternoon grazing in the woods in front of our house, and at night, when I catch them taking nibbles from my garden. That is, until I realized I could create a deer-resistant garden that left nature safe and my garden intact.

How To Create A Sustainable Garden

New to gardening? Want to make yours more sustainable? Whatever the case, here are four tips I advise for creating a sustainable garden you can be proud of.  


Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Yarrow

Yarrow is a member of the family Asteraceae or Aster family of the genus Achillea L. or yarrow P, containing the species Achillea millefolium L. or common yarrow P. The plant is native to the northern regions of Asia and Europe and was introduced to the Americas by the first settlers.

How To Conserve Water In Your Sustainable Home Garden

Overwatering isn't just bad for plants: It's also bad for the environment. We only have so much water on this earth, and it's imperative we do our best to conserve what we have. Here are five ways to save water in your garden. 


Fast-Growing Vines & Climbing Plants For Your Garden

There are certain areas in a garden that beg to be covered with climbing plants: chain link fences and trellises come to mind.  A pretty vine can disguise an unsightly fence or provide more privacy.  Plants climbing up and across a trellis can provide shade or shelter in the garden.  And many fast-growing vines also have a lovely fragrance!  Really, there’s no good reason NOT to include them in your garden—as long as you pick the right variety.

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Coreopsis

Coreopsis is a member of the family Asteraceae or Aster family of the genus Coreopsis L. or tickseed P containing thirty-four species. The plant is native to North and Central America and was recorded in the journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition that took place from 1804 to 1806.

The Best Big Blooms For Your Garden

When you’re planning your garden, one thing to consider is the size the plants will be when they bloom.  Some plants are pretty unassuming most of the year, but when their blooms sprout, they reach great heights or sizes.  These oversized blooms can add striking drama to your garden décor, whether they serve as a focal point or stand out in the background.

Wondering which big blooms are best for you?  Here are some favorites.


Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Love-Lies-Bleeding

Love-lies-bleeding is a member of the family Amaranthaceae or Amaranth family of the genus Amaranthus L. or pigweed containing the species Amaranthus caudatus L. or foxtail amaranth. The plant is native to South America, India, and Africa and its nomenclature was derived from the Greek word amarantos, translating to “unfading,” due to the long-lasting blooms of some species.

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Lavender

Lavender is a member of the family Lamiaceae or Mint family of the genus Lavandula L. or lavender P containing four species. The plant is thought to be native to the Mediterranean basin east of India and has been used in many ways for approximately 2500 years.