energy healing

The Heart Chakra: The Balancing Point

Drum roll, please. This is the moment we have all been waiting for. This, my friends, is the 4th chakra, the heart chakra.

Claim Your Power With The Third Chakra

Welcome to part three of the seven part chakra series. Today we celebrate the third chakra, the solar plexus chakra. This is a power house of an energy center.  When this chakra is spinning harmoniously there is no stopping what you are capable of doing, nor is there a limit to the energy available to do it with. When it is off though, boy can the ego run amuck. You know self-doubt and boisterousness are two sides of the same coin, right? They are both ego: polarity expression of the same essence.

Over Spending? Try Balancing Your 2nd Chakra

With the holidays behind us and the energy of the SUN focusing the majority of its influence on the southern hemisphere, it’s a good time to look inward and track where our energy is losing potency.

The way we spend money is a wonderful opportunity to see how efficient our energy is running.

Money is Energy.

From Helplessness To Empowerment: The Energetic Perspective On Depression

Many of us regard depression as an inner darkness that can throw us into the depths of debilitating emotional and mental pain, making it impossible for us to function in this world for weeks or months even. Life feels pointless, the world appears hopeless, and all we can feel is numbness.

Healing Journeys: Mary Beth Shaw & Connecting With Self

Mary Beth Shaw is an energy healing practitioner with whom I recently enjoyed a session.  The experience was a roller coaster of emotions that left me feeling more strongly connected to my Self and my loved ones, and also with a clearer vision of my purpose and personal priorities.

Healing Stones: Red Coral As The Great Activator

There is a theme running through my latest writings of tapping into life-force, the Cosmic kundalini energy within our beings to a greater degree. As energies are amping up on the planet and the process of evolution is taking each one of us deeper into the core of the Self we are being asked to harness our life-force and make the most out of our time here. Red coral is a gem that is here to help out.

Enlightenment Is As Enlightenment Does

I hear the word “enlightenment” thrown around a lot. It has traction that has launched a very lucrative t-shirt and trinket industry. I recently found myself wondering, “That’s nice, but what does enlightenment actually MEAN?” When I looked up the definition, I saw that several explanations were listed…Some feel it is attaining an awareness of God consciousness. Some feel that it is transcending duality and living in a perpetual state of bliss.

Anatomy Of An Empath: Part 3

Here we are! We made it to the third part of this series.

My hope is that you have gained insight regarding many of the physical and mental characteristics of being empathic and feel more empowered moving forward. Now we will evaluate common emotional characteristics of an empath/sensitive person.

Essential Oils For Consciousness: Spikenard For Ascending With Gratitude

An attitude of gratitude is essential for succeeding in life and the everyday stuff that sometimes can get you down—especially in these ever-changing times when it could be easy to look out into the world and feel negative or like nothing is going the way you’d like it to. Spikenard is the essential oil gifted us in order to inspire health, deeper awareness, and gratitude, and bless us to aspire into the state where we can actually be grateful