
Essential Oil Essentials: Let’s Learn About Litsea (May Chang)!

Litsea is a bit off the beaten path for some folks. Those familiar with Traditional Chinese Medicine, however, will know that Litsea (or May Chang) has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Native to Southeast Asia, Litsea has been used for everything from asthma to digestive issues.

Sacred Trees: Oak Folklore, Medicine & Food

One of the things I miss about living in California is the preponderance of oak trees. They’re all over the hillsides with their beautifully twisting branches. Even small patches of oaks provide food, shade, and habitat for a wide variety of plants, mushrooms, and creatures.  Not to mention, oaks are great trees for climbing, and, if big enough, lounging in. Oaks are trees in the genus Quercus, of which there are hundreds of species.


DIY Dog Food Recipe To Alleviate Allergies

When your pup has allergies it can be a struggle to figure out the cause. My veterinarian and I have been working together for the last couple of years to figure out why my 11-year-old German Shepard mix keeps getting these recurrent infections in his ear. It took a lot of eliminating, not my pup’s favorite part, but we have finally settled on a food regime that has helped. I cook it myself and he loves it!

Natural Remedies For Your Dog’s Allergies

Springtime is lovely, with all its beautiful blooms everywhere.  But if you suffer from allergies, those blooms can be a double-edged sword as they invoke itchy eyes, puffy skin, stuffy (or runny!) noses, and more.  Unfortunately, your dog can experience the same symptoms of allergies—and worse, they can’t tell you how bad they feel.  That’s why, as a responsible pet owner, you need to pay close attention to your

Detox Naturally From Wildfire Smoke With These 8 Tips

With all of the devastating wildfires ravaging California, the western United States, and much of Europe, thousands of people have been affected by wildfire smoke. Unfortunately, much of the smoke produced during these wildfires contain enormous amounts of toxins. 

Ayurvedic Tips To Beat Seasonal Allergies

If seasonal allergies and sniffles are an annual bane for you, then maybe you should look towards the ancient texts of Ayurveda for some alleviation…


5 Teas To Put Some Sunshine In Your Spring

You wouldn’t know it with some of the snow storms hitting the northeast, but we have entered the spring season once again. It’s time to start planning outdoor activities and changing your wardrobe to match the new sunny spring days.

When you’re not hiking, having a picnic, or planting the next season of plants in your garden, why not relax with a hot cup of tea? Don’t let the warmer weather discourage you from a warm beverage.

Natural Spring Cleaning: Make Your Own Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

Once crocuses and hyacinths begin to bloom, I’m itching to scrub my floors, vacuum my carpets, and otherwise shed the layer of dust that winter has brought. It’s spring cleaning time!

Healing Food Sensitivities: Taking The Test

I recently decided to have a food sensitivities test done in order to identify any specific foods that might be triggering responses in me.  I worked with an FDN-P nutritionist to order the test and then discuss the results.  This article is the first in a series that discusses that process.