Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (Revolved Half Moon Pose)
Half-moon Pose teaches us that careful planning, a steady foundation, and knowing where to ease off are crucial for success. This pose is the embodiment of a perfect blend between effort and relaxation. There is no better pose for learning how to soften up, so that you can breathe more easily. These traits are invaluable to a sustainable Yoga practice, but more importantly they transcend into every facet of life. This is a pose that requires a significant amount of warming up to perform successfully. But with careful preparation, it’s surprisingly simple to perform.
Before you practice half-moon pose, warm up for 15-20 minutes with balance practice and twists.
What do to:
From a forward fold, place your left hand on the floor in front of your right foot.
Exhale as you lift the left foot up behind you and extend the leg.
Place your right hand on your hip or reach it towards the ceiling.
As you breathe reach through the left heel and press the right foot down.
Breathe deeply as you find the middle ground between holding yourself up and softening into the twist.
Stay for as long as you like.
Then do the other side.
Blocks and chairs are fantastic props for this pose.
Plant your grounded hand on a block or a chair to make this pose much more accessible.
Builds stability in the body.
Promotes spinal mobility.