L-Shaped Handstand
Yoga practice is very serious business. However, Yoga practice is seriously fun as well. It can be one of the best forms of play. Playing is important to human thriving because it lightens the mood, increases our creativity, and helps us see things from a new perspective. Inversions are no doubt one of the most playful aspect of Yoga. However, they can also be one of the most hazardous. This is where the serious business of Yoga meets the funny business. Headstand and Shoulder Stand are traditional Yoga inversions, but they don’t translate well to western bodies. Practicing either one without careful training and supervision of a teacher places you at significant risk for injury. Handstand is a safer option, and it too takes a lot of work to master. The road to handstand is a long and worthy one. This pose, L-shaped hand stand is an important step along the way, or a great option for anyone who just wants to get upside down.
What to do:
Proper distance from the wall is key to this pose. Start by standing with your back directly against the wall and taking one giant step forward.
Place the hands on the floor next to the feet.
Reach one foot out and find the wall, no higher than your hips.
Engage the core as you press into the wall and play with supporting some weight in the hands.
Bring the other foot up and push with your hands and feet.
The hips should be directly over the hands.
If the hips aren’t directly over the hands, it is really hard to balance in this pose.
Come in and out of the pose a few times, repositioning the hands until you can stack the hips.
Stay for as long as you like, noticing how it feels to breath and be upside down.
Can be done on the forearms.
Having a spotter stand in in front of you for this pose can help increase confidence.
Change of perspective.
Amazing balance practice.
Builds strength in the wrists, arms and shoulders.
Improves all around core stability.