Mother Nature literally provides us with everything we need, in every aspect. This first aid kit is made from simple plants or plant products that are easy to come by and well-known.
These 7 items I am going to discuss are the very basic components of Mother Nature’s First Aid Kit. It’s possible you have all of these items in your kitchen or growing out in your yard already. That’s right, the very weeds along your sidewalk could be benefiting you in a big way!
Adhesive Bandage – Plantain (Plantago lanceolata): Plantain leaf is an awesome yet simple substitute for adhesive bandages. Plantain has astringent, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antihistamine properties, so it makes for a great poultice. You can mash or chew up the leaves and apply them to a wound, rashes, and bug bites. You can take a leaf and tape or tie it in place to cover the wound. The plantain leaf will not only keep the wound covered, but it will also provide some healing.
Peroxide – Raw Honey: Raw honey is an all-natural slow-release antiseptic. Glucose oxidase is an enzyme within the honey that plays an important role in overall health and healing. The glucose oxidase makes hydrogen peroxide from the sugars in the honey. If you dab a little honey on a small cut and look closely at it, you will see tiny bubbles begin to form just like when you apply the peroxide from the brown bottle. Honey has many natural healing properties, more of which can be found here.
Isopropyl/Rubbing Alcohol – White Vinegar or ACV: Vinegar can be used just like alcohol in terms of sterilization and the fact that it kills bacteria. Put some vinegar in a small bottle for your first aid kit and if needed use to sanitize and sterilize your hands, around the injury, and any equipment to be used. Do not put vinegar directly on open sores or wounds.
Neosporin (Antibiotic Ointment) - Honey & Garlic: The combination of garlic and honey can replace your Neosporin and it will work faster as well. You can use it on scrapes, burns, and minor cuts. You could also ingest a teaspoon of it for extra measure. Both the honey and garlic contain antibacterial, anti-fungal, and immune-boosting properties. The mixture is simple to make and will last a long time.
Burn Cream – Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is known far and wide for its soothing healing benefits. The plant is full of antioxidant and antibacterial properties, which are both crucial to healing wounds, as well as rejuvenating the damaged skin. Aloe Vera gel can be used on first and second degree burns; anything beyond that should receive professional assistance. I like to keep a live plant on hand and use it if needed.
Headache & Muscle Pain Tablets – Essential Oils: No more concentrated tablets that dry you out and can cause kidney issues if you use them too often. Instead, replace them with a variety of essential oils. Essential oils have hundreds of uses in the medicinal world, and for good reason. Any of these oils can be used for head and muscle aches: Lemon-grass, Lavender, Sandalwood, Mint, and Sage. Every person is different so what works for one might not work for another.
Eye Wash – Simple Salt Water Solution: Simply boil one cup of water for every one teaspoon of salt. Once it has boiled remove it from the heat, allow it to cool, and bottle it in a glass dropper bottle. You can use this saline solution to wash out irritated eyes and you can also use it as a nasal spray. If you would rather not use the salty saline solution for an eye wash you can make a green tea mixture. For this, you will want to use 2 parts brewed green tea to one part distilled water.
These alternatives given in this article are only a few from a long list. For example, mullein can also be used as a bandage and certain essential oils can take the place of vinegar for sanitizing. I honestly prefer to use mullein as the bandage because it is softer and it can be kept in the kit for an extended time without drying and becoming brittle. The plantain is better used fresh. You could, of course, dry some leaves and make a powder to keep and when needed add a little water to create a paste.
I hope you’ve enjoyed Nature’s First Aid Kit! If you have any questions please feel free to leave your questions in the comments below!
*Fun Fact* If you find yourself in the woods and need to relieve yourself but forgot the toilet paper just look for some of Mother Nature’s behind wipes. Mullein is just one example of a natural source to use in place of the toilet paper. Some people with sensitive bottoms may get a rash, but plantain will help that problem and fortunately, these plants usually grow within close proximity to one another.