Kids are hyper, but that doesn't mean that they all need to be on some form of medication. Let's take a look at some of the approaches to calming kids the natural way. There are so many natural ways to help your little ones calm down when they're too anxious or hyper. Taking the natural approach can be safer and healthier than prescription medication, not to mention how much cheaper it is, too.
Using Teas For Calming Relaxation
Red Clover Blossom Tea – This tea helps reduce depression and helps elevate the mood. The red clovers produce dopamine, which is the feel-good chemical in the brain. The tea also reduces inflammation and removes toxins from the body. You can buy the tea prepackaged, or make it using fresh or dried herbs.
This recipe will make about 4 servings of tea:
- 1 Cup Dried Red Clover Blossoms
- 2 Tablespoons of Mint, Spearmint or Peppermint
- 4 Cups of Boiling Water
- Honey/Sugar/Stevia To Sweeten
Bring 4 cups of water to a boil and remove from the heat. Throw in your blossoms and mint and steep for about 8 – 10 minutes, depending on how strong you like it. Strain and pour.
Chamomile Tea – Chamomile Tea is well known for its calming effects. It is one of the most gentle of the calming herbs and plants. This tea works as a relaxant, as well as a sleep aid. * Important Note: If your child has ragweed allergies, there is a slight chance that chamomile may trigger an allergic reaction.*
This recipe is intended to be made by the cup.
- 1 Heaping Teaspoon Dried Chamomile Flowers
- 8 Ounces of Boiling Water
- Honey/Mint/Sugar To Taste
Add your chamomile to the boiling water, and steep 8 – 10 minutes; then strain and pour. I prefer to add a little extra spearmint when there's an upset stomach.
Lavender Tea – Lavender helps relieve anxiety and stress. The scent alone is known to bring about a relaxing feeling.
This recipe is made as a dry mix and added to hot water in a tea ball.
- 2 Tablespoons Dried Lavender
- ½ Cup of Mint Leaves
- 2 Teaspoons of Sugar or Stevia
You simply add 1 – 2 tablespoons of the dried tea mix to a cup of hot water when you're ready for some tea.
Lemon Balm Tea – This tea is great for kids that fidget – not only does it help with fidgeting, but it also helps with symptoms of hyperactivity, as well as calms down impulsive actions and behavior.
This recipe makes 4 cups of tea.
- 4 Heaping Tablespoons Dried Lemon Balm Leaves OR 8 Tablespoons Fresh Lemon Balm Leaves
- Boiling Water
- Sugar/Stevia/Honey To Taste
Drop leaves into the freshly boiled water and steep for 8 – 10 minutes. Add sweeteners to taste.
This last recipe is a BONUS…. Because who doesn't love Lavender Lemonade?! Lavender lemonade will produce the same calming effects as a lavender tea with an added boost of vitamin C.
Lavender Lemonade
Makes one pitcher of lemonade
- ¼ Cup Dried Lavender
- 2 Cups Boiling Water
- ¾ Cups Sugar
- 6 – 8 Lemons
- About 5 Cups Cold Water
- 1 Tray Ice Cubes
Place the dried lavender in a bowl and cover with the boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes. Strain the lavender from the water and discard into the compost bin. Add the sugar to the hot lavender water, then mix in the 5 cups of cold water. Put the ice cubes into your lemonade pitcher and pour in the lavender water. Squeeze in as much of the juice from your lemons as you can, then stir, pour and enjoy!
As with any conventional or holistic healing approach, not every method works for everyone. Try these out and see if they help!
According to some several research studies (links provided on list), when a child is experiencing hyperactivity, there may be a mineral or vitamin deficiency to blame. Some of the children diagnosed with ADD or ADHD were tested to see if there were any imbalances or deficiencies that could be linked to the issue, and sure enough, there were certain deficiencies that when the vitamins and minerals were added into their diets the issues began to seize. If you child is experiencing signs of ADD or ADHD, here are 3 things you should have your pediatrician or doctor check:
- Omega 3 Fatty Acids – Omega 3 fatty acids maximize kids’ intellectual potential. Omega 3 fatty acids provide DHA to provide healthy brain support and function.
- Zinc – Zinc supports brain health and aids neurotransmission. A zinc deficiency can cause learning disabilities and a short attention span.
- Magnesium – Magnesium regulates sleep and improves a person's overall mood. A study recently showed that a magnesium deficiency is linked to ADD & ADHD in children.
In addition to a balanced diet, kids need plenty of physical activity in their lives. According to the Center For Disease Control & Prevention, children need to be physically active for certain lengths of time each day in order to stay healthy in all aspects. Physical activity not only stimulates the body, but also the mind as well. Depending on your children’s age and their abilities, here is how much activity and what types of activity, they should be getting.
60 minutes daily of aerobic activity, such as walking, running, skipping, and jogging.
60 minutes, at least 3 days a week, of muscle strengthening activities, such as gymnastics, push-ups, or a climb around the jungle gym.
60 minutes, at least 3 days a week, of bone strengthening activities, such as jumping rope or running.
Kids need exercise to help them stay strong, to help them grow, to remain healthy, for proper brain function, and to LET OUT ENERGY.
Some things to avoid in their diet are high fructose corn syrup, excessive amounts of sugar, dyes (especially red dye), and artificial additives.
One more important thing for children to be doing is getting outdoors for some fresh air. Unplug the television, turn off the laptop, and go outside and do fun stuff.
Healthy kids are happy and hyper; they are full of energy and need ways to release it. Medication can have too many side-effects and can become an expensive bill. The natural ways are the old ways and with them come the secrets of the ancients. Tap into your roots and use natural medicines to help calm your children.