
Ayurveda & Motherhood: How To Find Balance Postpartum

As a first-time mother, no one can prepare you for the total disruption your life will endure after giving birth to your child. From the ways childbirth transform your physical body and to how it revolutionizes the mind (in both good and not-so-good ways) we as mothers change in the most profound ways.

10 Ayurveda Secrets For A Healthy Gut

Gut health isn’t as complicated as it sounds. But a vast majority of people all over the world are plagued with stomach problems brought about by irritable or sluggish digestion, despite eating all the right stuff and exercising too. Why does this happen and what consequences can it bring about?


Ginger: An Ayurvedic Perspective

If you like to cook, drink tea, or simply enjoy a variety of tastes for your sophisticated palate, you have undoubtedly used ginger at some point in your diet in several different ways. Available for ingestion as a fresh root, a powder, a whole leaf, and even pills, ginger has played a large role in kitchens and medicinaries for centuries all over the world.

Meatless Monday: Cooling Cucumber Raita Is A Hot Weather Win

By summer’s end, when your body has accumulated several months of heat, the idea of cooling down holds special appeal. And while you might be tempted to reach for a cold drink or ice cream to soothe your body, there are other, delicious, healthier foods that can do the trick, like today’s cucumber raita.

Turmeric: The Ancient Medicine That Slows Bone Cancer

Turmeric, a bright-yellow-hued root spice, has been used in cooking, medicine, and cultural ceremonies for thousands of years, especially in South Asia. Practitioners of both western healthcare and Ayurvedic medicine, an ancient holistic healing system with Indian roots, have lauded this plant’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

The 7th Chakra & Your Relationship To The Universe

Welcome to the final article of the chakra series. We have reached the crown, the seat of cosmic consciousness and divine intelligence. This is the center that transcends all the individuality that your lower chakras have worked so hard to create. This is where you step into the experience that ALL IS ONE.

Speak Up! Be You! The Purpose Of The 5th Chakra

We have journeyed through the lowest three chakras of the body: the chakras that give us a sense of standing on solid ground, a sense of personal identity to live our life through. These first three chakras are the foundation on which we stand. There is a rule in writing that you have to know all the rules before you are allowed to break them. The first three chakras are the rules of life. 

The Heart Chakra: The Balancing Point

Drum roll, please. This is the moment we have all been waiting for. This, my friends, is the 4th chakra, the heart chakra.

Claim Your Power With The Third Chakra

Welcome to part three of the seven part chakra series. Today we celebrate the third chakra, the solar plexus chakra. This is a power house of an energy center.  When this chakra is spinning harmoniously there is no stopping what you are capable of doing, nor is there a limit to the energy available to do it with. When it is off though, boy can the ego run amuck. You know self-doubt and boisterousness are two sides of the same coin, right? They are both ego: polarity expression of the same essence.

The Second Chakra & Your Relationship To The Other

The chakra system is a system that EVERY human being has, whether you believe in energy or not. The chakras are powerful energy centers that can be found along the spinal column with two extending into the head. Last time, we focused on the root chakra.