
Herbal Digestive Remedies For Holiday Eating

’Tis that time of year.  You know…  When all of your best intentions about not scarfing down mass quantities of holiday delectables go out the door.  What to do when you’re at a holiday gathering and your belly is starting to bloat like a hot air balloon, but you forgot to wear stretchy pants?  Well, if you planned ahead, you take out your little brown bottle of digestive herbs.

How To Prepare Your Body For Autumn

As the seasons shift, you may notice yourself being affected by it in many different ways. Perhaps you'll develop seasonal allergies, feel more sluggish, or have sinus problems. Whatever the case, it's important we take the time to prepare our bodies for the shift to fall to ensure a healthy transition. Here's how to do exactly that. 


Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Coreopsis

Coreopsis is a member of the family Asteraceae or Aster family of the genus Coreopsis L. or tickseed P containing thirty-four species. The plant is native to North and Central America and was recorded in the journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition that took place from 1804 to 1806.

Say Goodbye To Spring Allergies

Stuffed noses, itchy throats, and puffy red eyes tend to be the accessories of choice this time of year. Most people turn to pharmaceuticals to get instant relief and while these certainly have a place, knowing how to deal with late spring allergies holistically may prove to be a better long-term solution.

5 Natural Ways To Soothe A Stomachache

When I was little, I would suffer from terrible stomachaches in school. They were so bad that I would have to go to the nurse’s office at times and even be sent home. It turns out I was lactose intolerant—that coupled with having high anxiety did not mix very well.

Superfood 101: Pitanga (Surinam Cherry)!

Pitanga is a member of the family Myrtaceae or Myrtle family of the genus Eugenia L., also known as stopper P, containing the species Eugenia uniflora L., commonly named Surinam cherry P. The plant is native to the tropical regions of South America and was brought to India from Brazil by the Portuguese. It is also known as Surinam cherry.

Ayurveda 101: Healing Through The Sense Of Taste

In this article, we explore how to use food as medicine to harmonize doshic imbalances in the body and stimulate optimal digestion.

5 Holistic Remedies For Headaches

I'm not sure about you, but headaches are definitely an annoyance I don't care for. If they're bad enough, they can really get in the way of me getting work done or simply enjoying myself. Concentration goes out the window when your head starts to pound incessantly. But thankfully, there are many ways to fix a headache holistically.

How To Reduce Your Water Footprint & Waste Less Water

As you may or may not know, fresh water is not an infinite, renewable resource. There's only so much of it and we aren't making any more. That's why it's so important not to waste water. This life-giving resource needs to be conserved and valued. The good news is there are plenty of ways to reduce water consumption—one of the biggest ways being your diet. Here are five ways to reduce your water footprint ASAP. 

Ticked Off? 5 Botanicals To Ease Anger & Chill You Out

We all get angry from time to time.  Memes abound on social media, pushing the idea that we should always be happy and avoid negativity at all costs. This is cr*p.  A balanced emotional life entails experiencing a range of feelings. Frankly, it’s not healthy to think that life is supposed to be all unicorns and rainbows.