
You Are Enough: How To Overcome Scarcity & Trust In Abundance

Scarcity. This energy packed frequency of limited potential is a dense membrane that surrounds the human energetic field and closes off your ability to tap into the ever-flowing creative energy of Source which is the treasure box of abundance.

Choose Self-Love: 5 Steps To Ascension

The thought occurred to me today that if energy flows where attention goes then the $10 billion dollar a year self-improvement industry in the U.S. alone is actually contributing to the perpetuating mental and emotional belief that “you are not enough” exactly the way you are. This contradicts every sacred text and teaching that I have ever come across. You exist therefore you are enough. Your essence was born from the frequency of the Source of all life. That is enough to make your existence completely and fully valid.

Using Boundaries To Create Healthy, Loving Relationships

As the political climate has become more desperate over the past few years, and social media has become a powerful force in all of our lives, it’s no wonder many people are left feeling confused, empty, disconnected, and lost. To avoid these feelings, we often turn to reckless or careless behavio or just plain old denial. Unfortunately, none of these strategies is effective, and we are left feeling just as bad, or worse, about the whole situation.

Transformative Travel: Plan A Solo Soul Vacation

In order to find and define ourselves, we often need to get away. What is it about travel that can teach us about true presence?

Finding Fault With False Forgiveness

Forgiveness. Sometimes it seems to be the be-all and end-all of spiritual practice, the goal

of every religious seeker, the easy solution to almost every experience of abuse and trauma a person can experience. Indeed, true forgiveness is a profound state—and probably a pinnacle of spiritual evolution. However, demanding that those who are on different places on the path to healing and wholeness forgive—without even understanding what that entails—and using “forgiveness” as a way to blame victims is an act of violence itself.

Living Yoga: Aparigraha—Non-Attachment & Letting Go

We have come to understand that yoga is present in every living, breathing moment. It is a body of knowledge, a practice, and a way of life. It dwells in many aspects of our daily existence—how we see the world, the words we use, the ways we relate, the choices we make, and ultimately how we move and act to shape our experience. Its presence is subtle and permeating. As we begin to understand the greater framework of yoga, we can look to the Yamas and Niyamas.

Healing Stones: Red Garnet & Life Force Energy

Red as blood, red as molten lava, as the fires of life dancing in the embers. Dark as night, as the cave of wonders, as the unknown depths of a person’s soul before discovering the gifts awaiting them. Red garnet is a dark red stone whose vibration and color helps us to tune into the richness of our capacity to live by aligning us with the fires of kundalini awakening in our root.

Healing Journeys: Astrology Coaching Session #1

“Welcome to the world of authentic spiritual power” she said to me as we sat in our first astrology coaching session. Andrea Bryant from Awaken Astrology is as inspired as she is articulate, and I am so lucky that I have the opportunity to sit with her.

Birthstone Series: Clarify & Focus With Carnelian & Quartz For Virgo

With the sun moving through the constellation of Virgo we are influenced by the element of earth and Virgo’s strong organizational and precise way of viewing the world. In order to more easily connect to what Virgo offers, both the clear quartz crystal as well as the carnelian stone can help offer both heightened precision as well as grounding support for the month.

Intro To Abhyanga As Your New Favorite Morning Practice

Every single morning for the past nearly 11 years I have treated myself to one of Ayurveda's oldest secrets for health and longevity. With herbs and warm oil in hand I rub my entire body down with a gentle massage which has helped me to retain elastic skin and a vibrant body. Abhyanga is the Ayurvedic term given to describe warm oil self-massage (often with herbs) and it is simply heavenly.