
Meatless Monday: Pan Bagnat For Healthy Eating On-The-Go

Being on the go doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice healthy eating habits. As the weather warms and we spend more time outdoors, more warm weather veggies are showing up in our gardens and at the farmers’ market.

Ayurveda 101: Seasonal Rhythm Of The Doshas

Have you ever noticed that you find yourself drawn to one particular season over another?

Perhaps you are a chaser of the sun and avoid cold climates at all cost. Maybe you are more of the snow bunny type and become irritably uncomfortable with higher temperatures and humidity. Or perhaps overcast, rainy days are your jam.

De-Cluttering The Garden

Like everything else in life, gardens and green spaces need to be de-cluttered to stay beautiful and not overload the soil. Here are a few pointers...


7 Fruits & Vegetables To Try This Winter

Sure, winter produce doesn’t look quite as pristine as summer peaches, berries, and corn, but vegetables like kohlrabi, broccoli rabe, and even horseradish are powerful foods with plenty of flavor and lots of nutrition.

Minimize Food Waste At Home With These 10 Tips

Did you know that 33 million tons of food enters landfills annually?

Nearly 40% of food produced in the United States is wasted annually.

150,000 tons of food is wasted daily in the U.S., which equates to about a pound per person.

Meatless Monday: Mushroom Pizza With Radicchio & Walnuts

Can I convince you that there’s a best time for pizza, and that it happens to be right now? When it’s cold, we naturally crave heavier foods that provide fat and protein which our bodies transform into insulation. And while many people feel the need to resist food cravings, I’d say that listening to your body, giving it the best version of what it’s asking for, and enjoying every bite is a great approach to health.

Eat Fresh In February: Asparagus, Beet, Cauliflower & Leek Recipes

There are lots of good reasons to eat seasonally: when fruits and vegetables are fresh, their nutrition is at its peak, and it’s more environmentally sustainable, for starters.  Ayurveda encourages eating seasonally too, and if you’re growing your own food, then it just makes sense to eat seasonally.  But it can be difficult to eat the fruits and vegetables that are in season if they’re new to you, or if yo

10 Different Ways To Tie A Scarf

In the throes of winter, my most favorite accessory to don is a scarf. It’s the perfect way to cozy up any outfit with whatever desired degree of style. Whether a sunny and bright winter day, or a heavy, homebody day, there is always a scarf to suit the winter season…and all the other seasons that follow, too!

5 Herbs To Bust The Blues (& Help Persistent Depression)

Most folks deal with the blues at some point—some of us more persistently than others.  Working one’s way out of a funk requires a broader plan beyond simply taking an herb. That said, herbs can be a helpful part of the approach.  Here are 5 herbs that have traditionally been used for depression…try one out and see if it helps you!