
3 Organic Fertilizers Your Garden Will Love

I love to garden even though I only have a small windowsill garden. That said, any space for gardening can utilize organic fertilizers! I only give my plants the best of the best, and these are all very easy to make at home. Here are three homemade organic fertilizers you can use on your plants ASAP. 


How To Make Your Own Herb-Infused Oils

Many do it yourself herbal beauty and health products start with herb-infused oils. From lip balms to massage oils, the backbone of any herbal, oil-based product is a well-infused oil. While essential oils add a particularly aromatherapeutic effect, herb-infused oils tend to add a more deeply healing quality to your herbal products.

How To Attract Ladybugs To Your Garden

Ladybugs are a gardener’s best friend. On top of being considered lucky, ladybugs are also great for getting rid of destructive pests like mites, scale, and aphids. Here's how to keep those cute little helpers around. 


Fast-Growing Vines & Climbing Plants For Your Garden

There are certain areas in a garden that beg to be covered with climbing plants: chain link fences and trellises come to mind.  A pretty vine can disguise an unsightly fence or provide more privacy.  Plants climbing up and across a trellis can provide shade or shelter in the garden.  And many fast-growing vines also have a lovely fragrance!  Really, there’s no good reason NOT to include them in your garden—as long as you pick the right variety.

De-Cluttering The Garden

Like everything else in life, gardens and green spaces need to be de-cluttered to stay beautiful and not overload the soil. Here are a few pointers...


6 Best Herbs For Infused Oils

Incorporating herbs into your lifestyle can take many forms, from cooking with essential oils to making your own body scrubs and lips balms.

Feng Shui Your Home: 5 Tips For 5 Spaces

Have you ever found yourself in a flurry to spontaneously reorganize a room or space?

Is there a room in your home that you don’t feel inspired to frequent?

Are you trying to choose the “right” color palette for certain rooms in your home?


5 Indoor Plants For A Healthy Home & Clean Air

Our first and most essential biological need as humans is air. Without water we would survive three days, without food we would survive three weeks. But without air we would only survive for three minutes.