healthy snacks

Meatless Monday: Rich & Creamy Vegan Coconut Rice Pudding

Ever had one of those days when you want dessert but you don’t want junk food? In those moments, a homemade, healthy-ish dessert would satisfy you, but you might not have a lot of time. Today’s coconut rice pudding is the easy solution to this conundrum. Warm and comforting, but requiring just 30 mostly unattended minutes in the kitchen, it’s a great treat to have after a long day. Oh, and if you want your dessert to be vegan, this recipe still qualifies.


Simple, Raw Energy Ball Recipes With 5 Ingredients Or Fewer

Whether you are taking a long trip and you want to pack some healthy snacks for the road, need a pick-me-up during your work day, or want some compact energy during a hike, energy balls are a fantastic option.

10 Healthy Snacks For Parents-On-The-Go

It is hard balancing an active lifestyle with a full-time job, school, kids’ activities, and everyday errands and still provide your family with healthy food options to promote their growth and development.

Superfood 101: Grape Tomato!

Grape tomatoes are a member of the family Solanaceae, also known as the Potato family, one of the many species of the genus Solanum L. or Nightshade P.  The plant was developed in Taiwan and was cultivated in North America in 1996 in Manatee County, Florida. By the turn of the 21st century the grape tomato was outselling the cherry tomato ten-to-one where they were available.

5 Delicious Pumpkin Recipes For Fall

During the autumn seasonpumpkin-spiced everything is very trendy. It makes sense, considering pumpkins are seasonal to fall.

Creamy Caramelized Onion Dip

I was crazy for fried onions as a kid. Growing up, my mom used to douse our pierogies with spoonfuls of fried yellow onion. Crispy, sweet, almost burnt and, well…onion-y. My mouth waters just thinking about it. The weird thing was…my mom actually hated onions, except for when they were caramelized or fried. 

7 Healthy Snack Ideas For Kids (& Adults)

Kids may be out of school for the summer, but that doesn’t mean that they need to live off of a diet of microwaved pizza, fruit roll-ups, and Slurpees. It’s likely easier than you think to prepare ready-to-go snacks between summer camps and beach days, and even simpler to ensure that they’re healthful, providing your children with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that are especially needed during childhood.

Harvest Your Own Wild Seaweed This Summer

Imagine driving along the coast of California, admiring the gorgeous views and stunning beaches. You pull over, step out of the car, and smell the magical scent of fresh Pacific Ocean air. You breathe deep the ionically charged air, do a few stretches, and gather your seaweed harvesting tools and head down to the rocky beach. And your day begins for harvesting wild seaweed. 

Superfood 101: Crenshaw Melon!

Crenshaw melons are listed in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in the family Cucurbitaceae or the cucumber family of the genus Cucumis L., commonly known as melon in the species Cucumis melo L. or cantaloupe.

Legumes, Grains, Nuts & Seeds: How To Sprout Them All

Stroll through any health food store and you’re guaranteed to see more than just sprouted broccoli.