
Mindful Nutrition: Teaching Kids Mealtime Mindfulness For Healthy Habits

How do we break the epidemic of obesity and disease plaguing the Western world or countries of affluence? That is a very heavy question that could easily incite a heated debate. Various scientists and medical professionals could weigh in with studies that focus on the whole food plant-based diet as promoted in The China Study written by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Thomas M. Campbell II and others that subscribe to more moderate diets that favor animal-based protein.

Be Kind To Your Body

The human body is truly a wonderland. Our bones are one of the strongest substances known to man, along with granite and concrete. Our heart pumps one million gallons of blood in our lifetime and our largest artery is capable of building enough pressure during each heartbeat to shoot blood 30 feet into the air.

Ways To Take Care When You Are A Caretaker: Yoga For The Body, Breathwork For The Mind, Meditation For The Heart

In honor of all caregivers who take the time to enrich the life of another with their kindness, compassion, and deep love.       


The Happy Benefits Of Giving

You may have read that giving makes you happy—so here’s how to make it work for you, and why it works in the first place…


Try and remember the last time you felt happy, peaceful, and worthy. What did you do to feel that? Was it when you achieved something or bought something really cool for yourself? Or was it when you gave something to someone—be it your time, a gift, or charity? While it may be the former, chances are it was more of the latter…

Disappointed In Your CSA Box? Read This

It’s not new information that I’m completely giddy over my CSA box subscription.  For me, it’s a win-win…I get fresh, local, organic produce delivered near my home every week (encouraging me to try new veggies and eat more greens) and a local farm gets my financial support to continue growing those goodies.  For these reasons and more, supporting your local farm with a CSA or veggie box subscription can be a gr

Holistic Gift Guide For 2018

The holidays bring plenty of joyful memories for many people—family gatherings over home cooked meals, crisp winter hikes in the snow, and, for some, buying gifts. Unfortunately, not everyone feels the same away about holiday gift giving and many struggle to find a meaningful present. Rather than opt for a gift card, think about sending holiday cheer with one of these holistic gifts.

Align Your Schedule With Nature To Heal Your Body

Circadian rhythms have been long forgotten since technology slipped into our homes. We were once farmers, each one of our ancestors a direct descendant of an agriculturalist. This is not hyperbole; this is how we made it so far on our human journey.

Choose Self-Love: 5 Steps To Ascension

The thought occurred to me today that if energy flows where attention goes then the $10 billion dollar a year self-improvement industry in the U.S. alone is actually contributing to the perpetuating mental and emotional belief that “you are not enough” exactly the way you are. This contradicts every sacred text and teaching that I have ever come across. You exist therefore you are enough. Your essence was born from the frequency of the Source of all life. That is enough to make your existence completely and fully valid.

Celebrate Your Birthday To Celebrate You—28 Alternative Ways To Spend Your Birthday

After, oh, roughly the age of 21, birthdays get a little less exciting for a lot of people.  Instead of counting down to your birthday, you might find it sneaking up on you, leaving you no time to plan any kind of celebration.  Or maybe as an adult, you’re stuck working on your birthday and don’t feel up to making a whole day of it—or even an evening.  In this global age, perhaps you’re living far away from most of your loved ones or a recent transplant to a new city without a large local social network.  Some of us are watching our wallets and want to celebrate our big

The Superhero In You

Being mentally strong isn’t something we are born with; it’s a skill we develop over time. And it’s an essential skill—for being mentally tough is like being a superhero in today’s stressful world.