
Beginning Birding With Kids

One way to get children engaged in the garden is to share with them your love of birding.  Birds are both helpful to a garden and also a sign of a healthy garden, so encouraging them to visit your yard is a great idea.  An even better idea?  Getting kids excited about the feathered visitors and the role they play in the larger ecosyst

Bird-Themed Crafts For Kids

Getting kids excited about nature is always a good thing—but sometimes it can be challenging to pull them away from their screens and the cozy indoors.  One way to engage children in the great outdoors is to spend some time doing nature-based crafts.  If you’re trying to get your kids inter

Paint Your Mailbox For A Summer Family-Friendly Craft

Over the last few months, my husband and I have tried to reduce our waste while renovating our decades’ old house. One of the projects that I finally tackled last week was the mailbox.

Summer Bucket List: 33 Fun Activities To Live Seasonally

Want to make the most out of this summer? Introducing your summer bucket list: I challenge you to complete all 33 of these ideas before summer ends! You have until September 23rd (the official start of fall). Hop to it! 


Yoga For Kids: Let's Go To The Garden

Conjure up your own secret garden with these yoga poses for kids.


Grow A Sunflower

  1. Begin in Child's Pose.
  2. Sit back on your heels and bring your head down.
  3. Close your eyes and imagine that you are a teeny tiny sunflower seed. Is it dark? Be very quiet...until you…
  4. Sprout! Feel the warm sun soak your head as you…
  5. Roll your head gently side to side.
  6. Remember you are not in a hurry.
  7. Notice how the sun feels on your skin.


Mindful Nutrition: Teaching Kids Mealtime Mindfulness For Healthy Habits

How do we break the epidemic of obesity and disease plaguing the Western world or countries of affluence? That is a very heavy question that could easily incite a heated debate. Various scientists and medical professionals could weigh in with studies that focus on the whole food plant-based diet as promoted in The China Study written by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Thomas M. Campbell II and others that subscribe to more moderate diets that favor animal-based protein.

5 Colorful & Easy-To-Grow Flowers Kids Love

Getting children into the garden at a young age can be a great way to start a lifelong appreciation for the outdoors, nourish oneself with healthy food, and develop a new skill—in this case, growing flowers. Unfortunately, not all flowers are easy to grow and many require wait times that outlast a child’s patience. 

Spend Quality Time With Kids (Not Quantity)

You may not have too much time at hand. To children though, quality matters more than quantity; so make your time with them as fun, imaginative, and creative as possible—for their sake and yours.

The Conflict Between Motherhood & Career

As the mother of an almost two-year old, I have had the blessing and yes, the curse of staying at home with my son. You may think it outrageous to say it is a curse, but give me a moment to explain. As a mother, I adore the time I get to spend with my son day in and day out. We go to the library, grocery shopping, and to the park, and engage in all sort of learning development activities to fill our days. But at the end of that very same day, I am still a woman with professional and personal aspirations.