Infantile seborrheic dermatitis, otherwise known as cradle cap, is a dandruff-like condition that usually affects babies around six to twelve months, although it can still occur with children who are older. It is a harmless condition consisting of flaky, dry, yellowish or brown skin that is scaling. There is no clear consensus as to the main cause of it. Although it is not necessary to get rid of cradle cap, if the appearance bothers you, there are different ways to remove it from your baby’s scalp. Here are 9 natural remedies for cradle cap.
1. Massage the scalp with a soft brush.
You can gently massage your baby’s scalp with a soft brush to loosen and break up the flaky skin on their head. It is recommended to use slow, circular motions.
2. Rub a natural oil over the scalp.
Rubbing a natural, organic oil such as almond, avocado, olive or coconut oil onto the scalp can help to loosen the skin. You can leave it on your child’s scalp for 15 minutes, and this will make it easier to massage or brush off. I used this method when my son was around six months old to soothe his cradle cap.
3. Use baking soda to comb through the cradle cap.
When you give your little one a bath, wet their head using a cloth and then sprinkle baking soda on the cradle cap. Allow the baking soda to sit for a few minutes while you bathe your baby. After a few minutes, use a baby comb to gently comb off the skin flakes. You can do this whenever you give your baby a bath.
4. Massage the scalp with Shea butter.
Shea butter is said to be a good remedy for rubbing off cradle cap without causing any hair loss. It can get a little greasy, but it can easily be combed out.
5. Use a natural, mild soap containing tea tree oil.
Massage the area with the mild tea tree oil soap, and leave it on for about an hour. Some say this remedy works to get rid of cradle cap in a day or two. In addition to helping eliminate the cradle cap, your baby’s head will smell amazing.
6. Rinse scalp with apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar’s acidic quality is said to be very helpful in treating cradle cap. Start by mixing one-part apple cider vinegar with two-parts water. Massage the apple cider vinegar solution on the area needing attending to. Allow the solution to sit for a few minutes, and then rinse the area with warm water.
7. Apply breast milk to the scalp.
For mothers who are nursing, breast milk is said to work great as a natural remedy for cradle cap. Squirt breastmilk in a small bowl or cup, and then apply to your baby’s scalp once a day. Leave it on overnight, and then in the morning wash it off with warm water and a natural mild soap.
8. Give your baby a calendula and oats bath.
Calendula and oats are well known for their scalp-healing properties, so it is not surprising that they are used as a natural remedy for cradle cap. Using a muslin cloth, place dried calendula flower heads and oats into the cloth and tie it. Hang the cloth over the bath facet, so that the warm water can run through the cloth. Bathing your baby regularly in the calendula and oats will help remove cradle cap.
9. Apply chamomile tea rinse to scalp.
Create a chamomile tea by seeping chamomile flowers or chamomile tea bags in warm water. Rinse your baby’s scalp with the tea, and use a baby comb to gently eliminate any of the cradle cap patches on your baby’s scalp. You should continue doing this process for your baby daily.
A way to prevent or continue to prevent cradle cap is to moisturize your baby’s scalp after giving them a bath or shower. Although cradle cap is not usually harmful, it is a good idea to seek out professional advice if you notice that the cradle cap has become too severe, or if it is spreading or bleeding.