Cooking with essential oils

Meatless Monday: Fast & Filling Red Lentils With Lemongrass Essential Oil

Food can be like words of encouragement, and eating seasonally is one of the most loving ways to communicate with your precious body. With the arrival of spring, we say goodbye to the cold, dry winter, and hello to wetter and increasingly warmer weather.

Cooking With Essential Oils 101: Roasted Carrots With Coconut Cardamom Yogurt Sauce (Vegan)

Fall, when we increasingly gather with friends and family, is a time when you can’t have too many side dishes. Today I’m sharing a side dish recipe that just might make it to your list of standbys: roasted carrots with vegan coconut cardamom yogurt sauce. It’s a little classic, a little spiced, a little different, and vegan, which means there’s something for everyone in this simple dish.

Cooking With Essential Oils: Orange Sesame Milk Smoothie (Vegan, Gluten-Free)

If the changing seasons have you wondering what to eat, try this sesame milk smoothie with orange essential oil. For those of us who eat seasonally, September and October are transitional months. Depending on where we are in the northern hemisphere, the heat could still be holding on, or there might be a noticeable crispness in the air. Straddling seasons can leave us a little stumped in terms of what to eat.

Cooking With Essential Oils 101: Detox With This Zesty Cranberry Elixir

Would you like to clean up from the inside out or give your immune system a boost? Cranberries are packed full of detoxifying nutrients that can guard your body against disease. Today I’ll teach you how to harness their nutritional powers by creating a drink that will give you a huge dose of protective plant elements.

Cooking with Essential Oils 101: Vegan Chocolate Avocado Mousse

If you want to serve a dessert that will produce lots of smiles this holiday season, you can’t go wrong with chocolate mousse. If you want to create a delicious, nutritionally significant treat, trying adding avocados to your chocolate mousse.

Cooking with Essential Oils 101: Spiced Pumpkin Soup with Chickpeas (Vegan)

If you’re looking to warm up with something delicious, or to nourish your skin after spending the summer outdoors, cozy up with a bowl of pumpkin soup this fall.

Cooking with Essential Oils 101: Spring Salad with Tangy Lemongrass Dressing

Do the gorgeous blooms of spring turn you into a sneezing, sniffling, itchy-eyed mess?  If so, food can help.

Cooking With Essential Oils 101: The Basics

Lemons are amazing.  What other fruit possesses the power to add an unmatchable zing to a variety of dishes ranging from salad dressing to fish to cake; cleans pots and pans; and also alleviates the symptoms of a common cold?