
Self-Hypnosis Techniques For Accomplishing Your Goals

Do you find yourself lacking the motivation to pursue your passions even though you know they are what truly make you feel alive? Maybe you’re restless in your job and looking for a career change but aren’t sure where to start. Whatever your situation may be, a few of these self-hypnosis techniques can be help you reach those goals with grace and ease. 

Ways To Take Care When You Are A Caretaker: Yoga For The Body, Breathwork For The Mind, Meditation For The Heart

In honor of all caregivers who take the time to enrich the life of another with their kindness, compassion, and deep love.       


A Holistic Approach To Menopause: Meditation & Breathwork For Comfort & Peace

As women, we experience hormonal fluctuations throughout our lives. Menopause is part of the natural aging process and involves physical, emotional, and hormonal changes. The same hormones that affect us during menstruation are the same hormones we experience in menopause, but they can affect us in a number of different ways. Mood changes can leave us feeling out of control, irritable, and fatigued. Luckily, you are empowered to help yourself!

A Holistic Approach To Menopause: Self-Nurturing Yoga Poses

Many women view menopause as a time of loss, physical discomfort and negative emotions.  However, many common discomforts of menopause can be alleviated using yoga, breathwork, and meditation.

5 Ways Breathwork Brings Big Beauty Benefits

Breathwork is not a product you can buy, but it is a concept you should buy into. For centuries, monks, meditators, and gurus have promoted the miraculous benefits of breathwork. But they don’t need to preach, actually. The proof is in the pudding: Look at the glow on the face of any breathwork practitioner and see the benefits before your very eyes.

The Superhero In You

Being mentally strong isn’t something we are born with; it’s a skill we develop over time. And it’s an essential skill—for being mentally tough is like being a superhero in today’s stressful world.

Transitions: No Versus Not Yet

“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something—your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

—Steve Jobs


10 Five-Minute Activities That Could Change Your Life

Many people fear change -- not because of the change itself but because they always assume it will take a lot of time, patience, and sacrifice to make a difference in their lives. However, this is not always the case – there are plenty of small activities you can implement into your daily routine and watch your life get better. What’s even better – none of these takes up more than 5 minutes of your day.

Moves To Inner Peace: Cat Cow Vinyasa

“Better indeed is knowledge than mechanical practice. Better than knowledge is meditation. But better still is surrender of attachment to results, because there follows immediate peace.”  - Bhagavad Gita


Spine = Foundation

Have you ever heard anyone use the term "get a backbone?" Perhaps you’ve used it yourself.  Or "that person is so spineless." Well, there is a scientific reason behind these old adages. It turns out the spine is linked to many things, courage and confidence included.

Finding Calm Through Belly Breathing

One of my yoga teachers says we don’t notice the breath until we’re out of it.

By the time I started a yoga teacher training in 2011, I was out of it, both figuratively and literally: my breath was labored, shallow, strained. I was a first-year 4th grade teacher, and my heart was always racing, whether I was standing in front of my classroom, lying in bed, or brushing my teeth. I was clearly overwhelmed, my body was rebelling, and I couldn’t find the off switch. I was sure my short, panicky breaths were announcing my anxiety to the world.