
Express Your Creativity Under the August 15 Full Moon

Get ready to express yourself creatively under the powerful fiery energy of the August Full Moon on August 15—when the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars all travel through the creative fire sign of Leo, and energetic Jupiter travels through the expressive fire sign of Sagittarius.

August 26: Full Moon In Pisces With Sun In Virgo

The August 26th Full Moon will be a culminating point of everything you’ve worked for in the last year. You will feel as if you are on a mountaintop looking back over the previous year—and forward to the next year.

With energetic Mars getting ready to move forward after a 2-month retrograde just hours after the Full Moon, and with communicative Mercury having resumed forward motion on August 18, the energy will be ripe for forward movement. Prepare to take action!

August New Moon Solar Eclipse: Revelations, Discoveries & Communication

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo the Lion on Saturday, August 11 will provide you the energy to roar! With the Sun, Moon, and talkative Mercury in Leo, this is a time to express yourself! But also remember to LISTEN too! Leonine energy is warm, generous, and supportive. But much important information can be glossed over under the radiant influence of Leo the Lion.

August Monthly Horoscopes

Basmati Monthly Horoscopes: August

What do the planets have in store for you this August? Check out your Basmati Horoscope with Astrologer Lisa Landis below!



If you have learned from the mistakes in your past, things will go smoother than they will if you are still trying to figure out what the lesson is. Read more here.

August Monthly Horoscope: Taurus

Taurus Horoscope August 2018:


Health: Try not to be so critical and go out and enjoy yourself, as long as you don't overdo any of your vices. If you should indulge too much at the beginning of August, then you will not be happy with the weight that you have gained, or the drain that you feel – mentally and emotionally. If you know your balance and do not overdo it, then you will be very happy with the results that you have been working towards. Keep that mental-emotional balance and your health will reflect that.

August Monthly Horoscope: Pisces

Pisces Horoscope August 2018: 


Health: Looking after your health is your responsibility, and you know what needs to be done. If you do not, then do some research on healthy lifestyles. Talk to others who have the knowledge, how you can best heal yourself. If you have taken good care of yourself until now, then keep doing it. If you have not taken care of yourself, you are going to wish that you would have. Start now!