
Beginning Birding With Kids

One way to get children engaged in the garden is to share with them your love of birding.  Birds are both helpful to a garden and also a sign of a healthy garden, so encouraging them to visit your yard is a great idea.  An even better idea?  Getting kids excited about the feathered visitors and the role they play in the larger ecosyst

6 Ways To Keep Wildlife Out Of Your Garden

This summer, I planted tomatoes, strawberries, celery, Swiss chard, pole beans, and a variety of other vegetables and herbs on my deck.

Make Your Yard A Hummingbird Hangout - Free Minibook!

Would you like to turn your yard or garden into a haven for hummingbirds?  Learn how to create the perfect welcoming environment for these enchanting little birds with this booklet!


  • what flowers to plant
  • how to be a reliable source of food for them
  • how to help them find your yard
  • other things that hummingbirds need!




Build A Bird-Friendly Backyard With Native Plants

If you’d like to see more birds fluttering nearby your home or want to help the local ecosystem stay in or return to a vibrant, natural state, consider planting a bird-friendly yard or container garden.

Small Animal Pets For Better Health & Wellbeing: Which One Is Right For You?

Pets are wonderful additions to households that can offer love, time, and the financial responsibilities that come with caring for an animal, but the love they can return is ten-fold. Therapy animals, which include both pets and animals that are trained as therapy animals (which requires a more extensive training background, including certified coursework and certifications), can improve social behavior and skills, reduce pain and anxiety, and help ease depression.

The Kindness Challenge: 7 Ways To Spread Cheer All Year

After the holidays are over, most of us don't even want to think about giving anymore. But what if I told you spreading the gift of kindness costs nothing at all? Being merry and jolly doesn't have to be a holiday only event—it should be in your heart year-round. Here are seven ways to help spread kindness even after the holiday season (and no, they won't cost you any money).

4 Holistic Treatments For Pets: Acupuncture, Hydrotherapy, Massage & Herbs

Has Fido tried acupuncture to cure his pesky arthritis? Has hydrotherapy helped Bailey’s hip dysplasia?

The Happy Benefits Of Giving To Others

You may have read that giving makes you happy—so here’s how to make it work for you, and why it works in the first place…

Try and remember the last time you felt happy, peaceful, and worthy. What did you do to feel that? Was it when you achieved something or bought something really cool for yourself? Or was it when you gave to someone—be it your time, a gift, or charity? While it may be the former, chances are it was more of the latter…