Hey You - The Universe Has Your Back!


I have always been amazed by how much of my body operates without any conscious effort or thought on my part.  Our autonomic nervous system is responsible for our heartbeat, breath cycle, digestion and other unconscious bodily functions crucial to our survival as a species.  The source of the energy or force responsible for pumping our heart and lungs is of unknown origin…. or is it? There is still much mystery to behold and embrace in this life – and that is where the joy, bliss and excitement come in!

The mysterious energy responsible for our survival as a species is a gift from the universe—one of many blessings from the omnipresent force-field surrounding all of life on this planet. The universe has our back in so many ways!

Other gifts from the universe include solar energy, which is responsible for nourishing the plants and animals that we consume and enjoy, oxygen that we breathe, soil to grow our food in, and the ozone layer that shields us from getting fried from the sun’s radiation. All of these elements and processes the universe provides to us – free of charge! Thank you universe!  The universe is a wondrous place of exquisite complexity where everything seems to fit together in an inherent order that we humans may not be immediately privy to.

Humans are microcosms of the universe that surrounds us, which means that we too are full of wondrous complexity! Ideas, insights, inspiration, innate talents, creative impulses, beauty, passion, love, wisdom, courage, and pleasure are also blessings of the universe. However, in order to reap the full benefits of these gifts, we must be receptive and perceptive to what the universe has to offer.  We also have to learn to trust that the universe is working in our favor.

Whatever the mind gives attention to, grows.

Unfortunately, much of mankind views the world as a hostile place.  Maybe even some of us have valid reasons to support the notion that the world and life itself is nothing but hardship, struggle and pain. Regardless of what negative things have happened in a person’s life, there is always something to be appreciated or grateful for. Focusing on life’s gifts, and giving attention to the positive and joyous aspects of our life, opens up our experience to more of the Universe’s blessings. Whatever the mind gives attention to, grows.

I choose to give attention to the abundance and prosperity in my life; I choose to give attention to the beauty in my life; I choose to give attention to what is going right in my life; I choose to give attention to the activities and people that bring me joy, pleasure and excitement. What do you choose to focus on?

When we see our environment as hostile or negative, we are ignoring so many of the Universe’s gifts. Abundance, blessings and gifts surround us all the time, but sometimes we may have to look carefully for them. The choice to seek out these gifts is up to us. In addition to the free gifts available to all of humanity, all of us as individuals have been bestowed with unique, innate talents, abilities and inner resources. These gifts can help us overcome any challenge, obstacle or situation – and thrive like nature has intended for us. Just remember that the universe has your back!