How To Make Yoga Easier

Yoga is a great challenge, and that is why it requires so much practice. Even though yoga can be tough, there are some ways to make it less difficult. Here are five tips to make your yoga practice a little bit easier.


1. Practice at the appropriate level.

Chances are, if you are first starting out in your practice with yoga and decide to take intermediate or higher level classes, you may quickly become discouraged by the difficulty of these levels. By practicing yoga at an appropriate level, you can not only make sure you are doing the poses correctly, but the yoga is also more beneficial and enjoyable when you understand what you’re doing.


2. Remember: yoga is not all about mastering poses. 

The ironic thing about yoga is that when you understand its concept is not all about mastering poses, it will actually make mastering poses much easier.  


3. Breathe.

Reminding yourself to check back in with your breathing can help relax your body and bring back the intention in your practice.


4. Ask for assistance.

Practicing yoga the right way will help you to better reap its benefits. If you don’t understand how to do a pose or are not sure if you are doing it correctly, ask a yoga trainer for help. Yoga is a lot easier when you do the poses correctly.


5. Balance comfort & discomfort.

A good yoga instructor gave me some really great advice recently. She said that when practicing yoga, you want to feel an even balance between comfort and discomfort. Never allow yourself to get out of this balance by pushing through poses that may feel too uncomfortable or painful. If your body feels this way, you can either move to a resting position or do the modified version of the pose.