
What Is Dry Needling & Is It Right For You?

Acupuncture has become a popular holistic treatment to alleviate pain for several conditions, but dry needling isn’t as well known. While both acupuncture and dry needling use small, stainless steel needles to trigger points in the body, dry needling is commonly used as a way to trigger muscles. 


Natural Alternatives To Antibiotic Ointment

Last week I found myself applying Neosporin after scraping my ankle on a sharp rock during a trail run. As someone who prefers to turn first to holistic healing methods, I was surprised that I didn’t have any alternatives on hand—or so I thought.

How Homeopathy Heals: Is It Right For You?

Homeopathy might seem like a new age trend, but this form of medicine has been used since the late 18th century and its popularity has been attributed to the German physician Dr. C. F. Samuel Hahnemann. Some believe that homeopathy has been around for much longer, since once of the first principles of this system of medicine is “like cures like”—similar to Hippocrates’s beliefs in 400 B.C. 

Herbs & Natural Remedies For Pain

As someone who has been living with chronic pain for years, I’m slowly learning that nature has all the answers. We just need to ask the right questions and be willing to listen—listen to our bodies, to our minds, and to our souls. In our lifetime, we all go through physical and mental pain—not to mention heartache. And nature has everything that we need to heal, ready and waiting. 

Chaga Mushrooms: Black Gold For Your Health

For the uninitiated, the name chaga immediately pokes at one’s curiosity—as does its nickname, “black gold.” The chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) resembles a chunk of rough coal blooming from the side of a birch, stark in contrast to the tree’s white bark. Whether the name is just a bit of clever branding or finds its roots in its ancient medicinal context, it is, undoubtedly, correct.

4 Useful Weeds In Late Summer

A weed by definition is a plant that is unwanted and is growing in competition with cultivated plants. However, many "weeds," when taken out of human judgement, are playing vital roles in their ecosystem, be it holding the soil onto a hillside or feeding the bees that pollinate our vegetables. Perhaps unsurprisingly, many plants that are considered weeds are actually very useful and beneficial to humans as well. Here are some special plants coming into season right now that might surprise you with their usefulness.

Witchin’ In The Kitchen: Making Infused Oils For Medicine, Beauty, & Cooking

An “infused oil” is a vegetable oil in which herbs, spices, or plant resins have been infused.  They’re fun to make and immensely useful.  First, let’s look at uses, then how to make an oil, and finally, I’ll share some of my favorite oils.

Bridging The Gap: Science & Shamanic Wisdom

When I was 16, I started going to a small Buddhist temple in the city I was raised in. Across the street from the city bus stop that I was deposited at around 3:30 every week day, this small zen center had guided practice for about an hour and a half. I was young and only attended temple occasionally, but my interest in meditation was piqued. A book by thich nhat hanh taught me basic technique and practice. And then I forgot. I never finished that book and I stopped going to temple altogether.

Recipe: Ayurveda Ojas Balls For Immunity

If you are craving a nutrient-rich energy kick in your diet, try this Ayurvedic recipe for Ojas Balls. This superfood provides a delicious and power-packed snack to increase immunity and vitality. According to Ayurveda, “Ojas” is our most refined by-product of digestion. It is the force that supports immunity and promotes longevity. It serves as the container of strength in times of change and transformation. It makes us resilient in the face of physical and emotional stress. Ojas is the nectar that keeps us healthy and happy.

Chat With A Healer: Dr. Marija Helt From Osadha sits down with Dr. Marija Helt to talk about her work as a clinical herbalist,  the use of essential oils and her love of mushrooms and their healing benefits!