
Pisces New Moon On March 6: Prepare To Set New Boundaries

The March 6 New Moon in Pisces falls on a special day—it is the first day that Uranus, planet of radical innovation, will be in the stable, earthy, creative sign of Taurus, where it will remain until 2026. Uranus was last in Taurus from 1934 to 1942, and briefly from May 15 to November 6, 2018. Uranus in Taurus will alter the normal patterns in financial markets and cause fluctuating values of material goods, precious metals, gems, and real estate.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse On Jan 20-21 Is A Time To Be Yourself

The Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse on January 20-21 is also a Super Moon because it will appear larger than normal due to its close proximity to Earth. While this eclipse will be visible in Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America, you will also feel its disorganizing impact, particularly if you have a cusp birthday: January 20-22, February 19-21, March 20-22, April 20-22, May 21-23, June 21-23, July 22-24, August 22-24, September 22-24, October 23-25, November 22-24, or December 21-23.

Align Your Schedule With Nature To Heal Your Body

Circadian rhythms have been long forgotten since technology slipped into our homes. We were once farmers, each one of our ancestors a direct descendant of an agriculturalist. This is not hyperbole; this is how we made it so far on our human journey.

How Technology Can Help Seniors Be Independent

Most of us who are young (even if just at heart!) are pretty comfortable using technology.  From smart phones to tablets to driverless cars, we’re used to a world where technology facilitates our experience, saving us time or energy or allowing us to do things once thought impossible with the swipe of a finger.

Savoring The Silence: 7 Ways To Enjoy The Quiet

Everyday life can be noisy. Taking time away from all the chatter and clatter is very good for one's mental state. It helps you calm your thoughts and connect with yourself on a deeper level. Here are seven ways to savor the silence.

Mindfulness, Addiction & Technology: Heal Your Mind & Keep Your Smartphone

Nomophobia: The fear of being away from, or completely without your smartphone. Sound familiar? I winced when I first heard this term in a discussion about smartphone addiction because of how strongly I can identify with this. While ‘nomophobia’ has yet to work its way into official scientific vernacular, awareness of this issue has fast-tracked this term into everyday usage.

Get Kids To Love Nature Using Technology

The human race is breaking up with nature and earth—and while Mother Nature may be unhappy about it, it is us who will pay the price in the end. We mindlessly buy things that pollute our home, our planet. Air, water, earth, sound, sight—there’s nothing that we don’t corrupt for our own benefit. So it’s all the more important for our kids, the future generation, to love and respect nature all the more.