
#Wellness Wednesday- Yoga For Life: Week 103


Extended Puppy Pose


Stretches spine and shoulders\

Opens heart

Can also open hips

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start in childs pose. Extend arms out in front of body.

Arms are both engaged and lifted off of ground.

Shoulders are back and away from ears

Back has an even curve in it.

Hips are pressing back.

Dandelion Coffee Milkshake (Vegan)

I’ve been on a dandelion tea KICK lately. I’m not a coffee drinker, but I do like the taste of it, believe it or not. So when I’m hankerin’ for a cup of joe, I’ll reach instead for my roasted dandelion root tea bags. The result is a hot, almost chocolate-y brew that is so satisfying first thing in the morning.

The Ritual In Plant Medicine Making

Herbal medicine making is a powerful practice rich with intention, connection, and healing. In our modern world, the potency of plant medicine is often overlooked. Yet when we trace its roots, we see that Mother Earth’s remedies are long honored across many traditions and cultures.

The Truth About Trans Fat

Were those tortilla chips you just finished baked or fried? Was your coworker’s birthday cake made with butter or margarine? And what was in the frosting?

In Pain? Try These 4 Natural Pain Relievers

It might be tempting to pop a Tylenol, Aleve, or an even more potent, potentially prescriptive drug to relieve pain, but the side effects and risks might not be worth it. If natural alternatives are available–that don’t cause side effects like nausea, stomach pain, rashes, headaches, heartburn, and rare conditions like anemia, bleeding of the stomach, chronic heart failure, and depression–what's there to lose? 

Killer Foods In The Kitchen

Think food and poison together, and you’d probably come up with puffer fish that seems to kill an equal number of chefs and their ardent followers every year. But what about common foods in the kitchen?

So here let’s not mention the obvious pesticides, insecticides, additives and other cleaning and corrosive chemicals that can seep into food and kill us. The top seven poisons in the kitchen often come from food itself – vegetable, fruits, meat, and spices – they are all out to get us, or so it seems…

Sip On Kadha For Colds: Ayurvedic Herbal Tea

Indian kitchens and kitchen gardens come stocked with plenty of herbs and spices that we use to flavor our food and dishes with alacrity – and sometimes with quite a heavy hand as many a tourist who has tasted Indian food has paid testament to with watery eyes, a runny nose and a tongue that seems to be on fire!

Try Juicing This: Green Beans

Green beans aren’t exactly the “coolest” vegetable of the hour, but there’s more to this crispy legume than meets the eye. 

Also referred to as “snap beans” or “string beans,” green beans have been gracing dinner plates for centuries. Though we don’t usually give green beans as much attention as say, kale or sprouts, they are actually incredibly high in nutrients and even have some “superfood” qualities. 

10 Tips To Raise Fit & Healthy Kids

Whatever our fitness levels, we want our kids to be fit and healthy kids. So here are some tips for us parents to achieve just that and more…

However couch potato-ish we might be as individuals, as parents we want our kids to be better than us. We want them to achieve all that we couldn’t, and we try to do whatever it is that we can to remove any obstacles in their way. So, we want to raise fit and healthy kids.

The Tonic You Haven't Tried: Beet Kvass

I thought I was up to date on probiotic-packed fermented products, but it turns out I was missing one very old, and very important tonic: beet kvass. I was first introduced to this powerful beverage sometime last year, when a stall at the local farmer’s market I frequent suggested I try their homemade kvass.