
Healthy Goals? Take Five

We often get into the habit of overcomplicating things that are rather straightforward to begin with. Like in our quest to be healthy we often go on varied diets and fitness routines, stop eating this and start hogging that and try so many things that we probably end up back to square one, or even a few steps backward…

If you want to get healthy -- and by that we mean really healthy and not just thin – then these five things are all you need to keep in mind!

Get That Beauty Sleep

The Calcium & Protein Relationship: What You Need To Know

The importance of calcium in our bodies cannot be stressed enough. Calcium, along with vitamin D, is what builds and strengthens our bones and basically keeps them knitted together. A deficiency in calcium can lead to smaller, less noticeable symptoms like achy joints, tingling in the arms or legs, brittle nails, insomnia or muscle cramps. A further depleted calcium intake can result in far more severe symptoms such as heart palpitations, hypertension, increased risk of fractures and even osteoporosis.

5 Amazing Benefits Of Oatmeal

Although oats look unassuming, this popular staple grain is actually incredibly nutritious. Not only are they packed with fiber, but they're high in vitamins and minerals and give you that full feeling that can lower cholesterol and aid with weight loss. Yup, oats are pretty much where it's at, and if you have a creative streak, oatmeal is an especially great canvas for adding any add ins you can think of (fruit, nuts, coconut, even chocolate!).

Eat These 10 Foods For A Happy Liver

A reddish brown lobe that sits on your body’s right side, the liver is a multifunctional organ and one we cannot do without. It helps convert the nutrients from the food we eat into essential components of the blood, stores vitamins and minerals for later use and also produces proteins and enzymes vital to maintain the hormonal balance in our bodies. Not just that, the liver is the defacto protector of our immune system and helps our bodies fight off infections and also makes bile, essential for digestion.

Cook Up Cassava: A South American Staple

Cassava, manioc, yuca, manihot, tapioca…maybe you’ve seen this long, dense tuber in the [exotic] produce section of your local market. The staple starch goes by the scientific name Manihot esculenta, but its common name differs depending on the region. Native to South America, Africa and parts of Asia, cassava has been a staple carbohydrate in the diets of those living in such sun-drenched, tropical regions. In the U.S., we most commonly find cassava or manioc in the form of tapioca balls, which are made from the pulp of the starchy tuber.

10 Benefits Of Good Posture

How’s your posture looking these days? Are you often hunched or slouched over your computer? Although many people may not pay mind to its importance, good posture is more than just about looking prim, proper, and pretty. It’s about keeping the spine in balance, and preventing any potential, future pain or health issues which may arise from not doing so.

What's a Life Coach and Why Do You Need One?

If you’ve never trained to run a marathon, you’re probably going to need a coach to learn how; likewise for learning how to swim, dancing ballet, trying gymnastics, or even dealing with finances. Why, then, don’t you have a coach for the biggest challenge of them all–life? Life coaches might sound like a gimmick but are rooted in a solid understanding of possessing a certain amount of experience or education.

Jamu Juice: The Best Way to Enjoy Turmeric

I first came across turmeric in our family kitchen as a child. My mother had printed out a recipe for curry cauliflower, and while the curry powder gave the roasted cauliflower its delicious taste, turmeric was responsible for the subtler taste and stronger hue. Since then, I’ve seen turmeric in everything from egg and tofu scrambles to salad dressings to cookies–I kid you not. Most recently, I stumbled upon a recipe in Meghan Telpner’s The UnDiet CookBook for Jamu Juice. 

Reasons (Besides Weight Loss) To Embrace Exercise & Eating Right

Call me crazy, but I actually look forward to hittin’ the gym, and eating a healthy, veggie-packed meal afterward. However, getting to the point of loving the gym and wholesome, nutritious foods doesn’t always happen overnight.

Ultimately, I got a gym membership because I wanted to lose a few pounds. Then, along the way, I’ve discovered so many more added bonuses to working out than just weight loss.