Ways To Take Care When You Are A Caretaker: Yoga For The Body, Breathwork For The Mind, Meditation For The Heart
In honor of all caregivers who take the time to enrich the life of another with their kindness, compassion, and deep love.
In honor of all caregivers who take the time to enrich the life of another with their kindness, compassion, and deep love.
After the holidays are over, most of us don't even want to think about giving anymore. But what if I told you spreading the gift of kindness costs nothing at all? Being merry and jolly doesn't have to be a holiday only event—it should be in your heart year-round. Here are seven ways to help spread kindness even after the holiday season (and no, they won't cost you any money).
After, oh, roughly the age of 21, birthdays get a little less exciting for a lot of people. Instead of counting down to your birthday, you might find it sneaking up on you, leaving you no time to plan any kind of celebration. Or maybe as an adult, you’re stuck working on your birthday and don’t feel up to making a whole day of it—or even an evening. In this global age, perhaps you’re living far away from most of your loved ones or a recent transplant to a new city without a large local social network. Some of us are watching our wallets and want to celebrate our big
You may have read that giving makes you happy—so here’s how to make it work for you, and why it works in the first place…
Try and remember the last time you felt happy, peaceful, and worthy. What did you do to feel that? Was it when you achieved something or bought something really cool for yourself? Or was it when you gave to someone—be it your time, a gift, or charity? While it may be the former, chances are it was more of the latter…
The beginning of spring signals the return of green to the earth: small, bright buds replace crinkled leaves and bare branches, purple-pointed crocuses grow next to damp sidewalks, and daylight lasts longer than the work day. While St.
If you’re like most of us, you probably feel that your work habits and productivity are not near their full potential. Whether it’s a lack of motivation, boredom with your tasks, a feeling of mental/emotional depletion, or just struggling with time management—we all get to a place in our work lives where we feel somewhat stuck. Many successful people have overcome this—or avoided it completely in the first place—by moving to another country…preferably as far away as possible.
Walking up to the woman on the street I gave her a couple of blankets and a few loaves of bread. It was what I had in my car, and she needed them. Driving off, a smile came over my face. I never spoke of it until now, but it changed my life forever. Something happens when you serve another human with no intention for gain. It liberates you; it connects you with a force greater than yourself. It expands your path and lights the way home. It rights your karma.
This is an article on non-medicinal ways to combat the symptoms of depression and anxiety. As always, if you’re having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 (in the U.S.), or your local mental health hotline.
If you’ve recently spent any times traveling on planes and through airports, you might have seen dogs lying at their owner’s feet, secured with little more than a leash and a vest reading “Therapy Animal.” Therapy Animals have become popular in recent years: pigs at the San Francisco International Airport,