self care

8 Natural Pain Management Methods For Arthritis

Arthritis can strike at any age—the condition doesn't reserve itself to the elderly. And the pain this condition causes can be considerable. Medications can help alleviate the suffering, but they tend to come with a host of unpleasant side effects, rendering the remedy worse than the cure.

How To Prepare Your Body For Autumn

As the seasons shift, you may notice yourself being affected by it in many different ways. Perhaps you'll develop seasonal allergies, feel more sluggish, or have sinus problems. Whatever the case, it's important we take the time to prepare our bodies for the shift to fall to ensure a healthy transition. Here's how to do exactly that. 


Be Kind To Your Body

The human body is truly a wonderland. Our bones are one of the strongest substances known to man, along with granite and concrete. Our heart pumps one million gallons of blood in our lifetime and our largest artery is capable of building enough pressure during each heartbeat to shoot blood 30 feet into the air.

Coping With A Diagnosis: Advice On Acceptance

It was my 15th trip to the Emergency Room that month. The ER doctor recognized me. He took the usual blood and urine samples as I waited in the room in pain. When he returned he had a packet of papers that he printed out.

“I have a suspicion you have interstitial cystitis,” he said and handed me the stack of papers. “You should see a urologist to get the official diagnosis.”

Claim Your Power With The Third Chakra

Welcome to part three of the seven part chakra series. Today we celebrate the third chakra, the solar plexus chakra. This is a power house of an energy center.  When this chakra is spinning harmoniously there is no stopping what you are capable of doing, nor is there a limit to the energy available to do it with. When it is off though, boy can the ego run amuck. You know self-doubt and boisterousness are two sides of the same coin, right? They are both ego: polarity expression of the same essence.

Calm Your Nerves With 20 Minutes Outside

“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul,” naturalist and author John Muir said. The benefits of spending time in the great outdoors are widely known by nature lovers and are also documented in many studies, often through participants’ subjective reports of feeling calmer and happier.

How To Be Your Own Best Friend

Imagine if you had a robot that you could program to be the perfect friend. What would that robot be programed to do? Maybe it would compliment your eyes on a daily basis. The friend robot might pick you up when you fall down and nurse your wound. Maybe this friend robot would cook you elaborate meals and give you a massage afterwards. Let your imagination go wild.

Have you created the perfect friend? 

That robot could be you! What if I told you that your perfect friend has been hiding inside of you this whole time? All you need to do is program yourself!

A Holistic Approach To Menopause: Meditation & Breathwork For Comfort & Peace

As women, we experience hormonal fluctuations throughout our lives. Menopause is part of the natural aging process and involves physical, emotional, and hormonal changes. The same hormones that affect us during menstruation are the same hormones we experience in menopause, but they can affect us in a number of different ways. Mood changes can leave us feeling out of control, irritable, and fatigued. Luckily, you are empowered to help yourself!

A Holistic Approach To Menopause: Self-Nurturing Yoga Poses

Many women view menopause as a time of loss, physical discomfort and negative emotions.  However, many common discomforts of menopause can be alleviated using yoga, breathwork, and meditation.

The Best Yoga Poses For A Dose Of Self-Love

I find that my relationship with myself is greatly affected by my body awareness. Practices like yoga, which require listening to my body and bring me into my body in the moment, help me; these activities are now important paths that I travel repeatedly on the way back to myself.