
Eco-Friendly Beach Trip Tips For Summer Fun

Awareness is growing of humans’ impact on oceans, marine life, and the entire global food chain and water cycle. We can all make a few choices to develop eco-friendly beach habits while enjoying the shore this summer.


3 Reasons To Ditch Plastic For Good

It's almost impossible to completely avoid plastic nowadays. It's everywhere—in our beds, in our clothes, and even in our food. But we can do our best to avoid it as much as physically possible. You might be wondering why it matters? Here are three reasons you should kiss plastic goodbye.


How To Reduce Your Water Footprint & Waste Less Water

As you may or may not know, fresh water is not an infinite, renewable resource. There's only so much of it and we aren't making any more. That's why it's so important not to waste water. This life-giving resource needs to be conserved and valued. The good news is there are plenty of ways to reduce water consumption—one of the biggest ways being your diet. Here are five ways to reduce your water footprint ASAP. 

Save The Planet! 5 Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

In light of the recent United Nations climate report, it's important we all do our part to protect the environment. According to the report, we only have 12 years left to reverse climate change without creating catastrophic damage. If this disturbs you, I do have good news: You can make a difference. The battle has just begun, and we all need to take part in it this time around. Here are 5 ways you can reduce your carbon footprint and put a stop to climate change.

Why Indoor Air Quality Matters (+ How To Improve Yours)

After food, water, and shelter, what’s the fourth basic human need? Air. More specifically, clean air.

Detox Naturally From Wildfire Smoke With These 8 Tips

With all of the devastating wildfires ravaging California, the western United States, and much of Europe, thousands of people have been affected by wildfire smoke. Unfortunately, much of the smoke produced during these wildfires contain enormous amounts of toxins. 

Here’s How Slovenia Is Going Green & How You Can Too

I recently returned from a writing residency in Slovenia, the small country that sits east of Italy and lays wedged between Austria to the north and Croatia in the south. Few people are aware of its existence, and prior to spending several weeks there, I considered myself to be fairly unaware of it, too. Unfortunately, Slovenia deserves a lot more credit than it gets, specifically for its greenness—think low pollution levels, preservation of natural resources, encouragement of biodiversity, and more.

Microplastics: The Monster In Our Seas

We’ve heard the term bandied about in ecological circles—but what are microplastics and how can we avoid polluting our planet with them?

With the Internet flooded with images of seahorses hanging on to pieces of straw, and penguins living on floating plastic islands, and whole swathes of plastic mini-seas floating in the high seas, it’s high time we educated ourselves about microplastics. What harm can they do—to our seas and ultimately our blue planet?