
Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Sunflower

Sunflowers are a member of the Family Asteraceae or Aster family of the genus Helianthus L. or sunflower P containing the species Helianthus annuus L. or common sunflower P. The plant is native to North America whose original inhabitants cultivated the plant to its current physical configuration.

How To Make Your Own Herb-Infused Oils

Many do it yourself herbal beauty and health products start with herb-infused oils. From lip balms to massage oils, the backbone of any herbal, oil-based product is a well-infused oil. While essential oils add a particularly aromatherapeutic effect, herb-infused oils tend to add a more deeply healing quality to your herbal products.

6 Best Herbs For Infused Oils

Incorporating herbs into your lifestyle can take many forms, from cooking with essential oils to making your own body scrubs and lips balms.

Meatless Monday: Sweet Potato Fritters

Happy Meatless Monday! Whether you’re staying on track with good eating habits, feeding kids, or having a party, this versatile sweet potato fritter recipe will do the trick.

Rasayana: Ayurveda’s Anti-Aging Secret

Anti-aging isn’t a dirty word anymore, for looking the best you can at all ages should come naturally to us. And if it comes via Ayurveda, that’s the best possible scenario.

Ayurveda 101: Healing Through The Sense Of Touch

After our explorations into settling imbalances in the mind through Sight, Sound, and Smell, it’s time to turn our attention towards the body. As you recall, we are able to satisfy and support our dosha physically through the senses of Taste and Touch.

5 Foods That Fight Sun Damage

Nourishing your skin from the inside out makes sense, but few of us use this in practice. It’s easy to slap on drugstore sunscreen and spend hours outside but there are unseen, and often unacknowledged, dangers in conventional sunscreen. Protecting yourself from ultraviolet radiation is important in avoiding sunburns, sunspots, wrinkles, and dry, peeling skin, but some unprotected sunshine is also needed for optimal absorption of vitamin D.

10 Organic, One-Ingredient Face Cleansers

To put your game face on, stop with the off-the-shelf face wash and try these one-ingredient all natural and organic cleansers instead…

Witchin’ In The Kitchen: Making Infused Oils For Medicine, Beauty, & Cooking

An “infused oil” is a vegetable oil in which herbs, spices, or plant resins have been infused.  They’re fun to make and immensely useful.  First, let’s look at uses, then how to make an oil, and finally, I’ll share some of my favorite oils.