
5 Winter Juices For Better Immunity

Winter juices aren’t necessarily much different from spring, summer, or even fall juices. But the vegetables and fruits you add to them can make them better geared for winter, even if you’re juicing oranges and drinking them with ice.

Superfood 101: Honeydew Melons!

Honeydew melons are a member of the family Cucurbitaceae of the genus Cucumis in the species Cucumis melo var. Further clarification of honeydew melon is that they are a member of the Gourd family and the nomenclature in America is derived from the White Antibes melon that has been cultivated in southern France and Algeria. In these regions honeydew melons have been grown since the late 15th century.

Chaga Mushrooms: Black Gold For Your Health

For the uninitiated, the name chaga immediately pokes at one’s curiosity—as does its nickname, “black gold.” The chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) resembles a chunk of rough coal blooming from the side of a birch, stark in contrast to the tree’s white bark. Whether the name is just a bit of clever branding or finds its roots in its ancient medicinal context, it is, undoubtedly, correct.

3 Adaptogenic Mushrooms To Boost Immunity (+ Mushroom Broth Recipe)

I love eating seasonally, and when fall rolls around, that means eating more mushrooms. There are three adaptogenic mushrooms I particularly like to incorporate into my diet: chaga, reishi and shiitake. Find out what makes these mushrooms so special, along with fun ways to incorporate them into your day. 

5 Warm Juice Recipes For Fall

Warm juices seem like a bit of an oxymoron—isn’t the point of cold-pressed juices to keep the nutrients cold? Yes, but gently warmed juices can still deliver a host of nutrients while also feeling more in line with the seasonal changes: in this case, cooler days, darker mornings, wind, rain, and in some cases, snow. Try out these fall-inspired warm juice recipes for a boost of antioxidants and a no-need-for-an-extra-sweater guarantee.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Oyster Mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotis) and others are both a delicious edible mushroom and a great medicinal as well.  The wild ones are the tastiest, if you’re lucky enough to find them, though you can often find them at the grocery store or even grow your own with one of the many commercial growing kits available.  I found a small cluster this summer during what was an otherwise dismal mushroom season here in the Southern Rockies.  They smelled like aniseed…something

6 Essential Oils For The Lymph System

Your lymphatic system is a network of vessels, glands and lymph fluid and is a critical part of immunity, the transport of hormones and other bioactive molecules, and detox (think “vacuum cleaner”).  Herbalists have traditionally turned to “lymphatic herbs” to assist the body during

4 Herbs To Get Your Lymph System Going

Many folks aren’t in the habit of paying attention to the lymph system. Hopefully, that changes, because the lymph system is critical for dealing with infections and for recycling multiple substances (hormones, antibodies, plasma, and more) back into the bloodstream. Our cells expel wastes into the surrounding fluids, and the lymph system is important for soaking these and other toxins up for elimination from the body.

Spinach For Every Meal!

Popeye had it all figured out: spinach makes you strong and healthy, equipped to tackle the day. Readily available all year round, this accessible and affordable green leafy vegetable, a member of the amaranthaceae family, is a durable and nutritious addition to almost any meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even as an afternoon snack. While spinach may not always top the charts as a superfood, it warrants a place at the table.

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Hydrangea

Hydrangea are a member of the family Hydrangeaceae, commonly known as the Hydrangea family of the genus Hydrangea L. or hydrangea P., containing six species according to the United States Department of Agriculture.