
Essential Oil Essentials: Hole-y Moly! 5 Natural Moth Repellents

I once lived on a magical little farm and had a fairy godmother landlord. It was a great place to be an herbalist. But…the house I lived in also housed a small country’s worth  of moths. Some of them hitchhiked with me to my new place, as evidenced by the occasional moth fluttering around the bedroom and holes I sometimes find in my shirts.

Essential Oil Essentials: Seasonal Scents For Your Home

Here are some great oils and a few ideas for blends to get into the seasonal mode and lighten up the dark days. Essential oils are fun and useful to use any time of the year, but especially to spice life up in these (for some of us) colder and darker months.

Make Your Home Guest-Ready In 7 Steps (In Less Than An Hour)

Do you have guests coming over in an hour?  Or maybe not until tomorrow, but you’ve got approximately 60 scrabbled together minutes of time that you can spend cleaning between now and then?  No worries!  We’ve got seven things you can do around your home to make it ready for company, without the obligatory “Sorry, I didn’t have time to clean!” from you (really, don’t say that—you won’t need to with these tips!).


How Technology Can Help Seniors Be Independent

Most of us who are young (even if just at heart!) are pretty comfortable using technology.  From smart phones to tablets to driverless cars, we’re used to a world where technology facilitates our experience, saving us time or energy or allowing us to do things once thought impossible with the swipe of a finger.

Clean Your Grill The Non-Toxic Way

Those long, warm summer nights are dwindling.  The sun is setting earlier in the evening; there’s a welcome coolness to the morning air.  But before you swap out all your summer recipes for pumpkin-spiced everything, there’s one last summer chore you should take care of: cleaning the grill.

Why Indoor Air Quality Matters (+ How To Improve Yours)

After food, water, and shelter, what’s the fourth basic human need? Air. More specifically, clean air.

Chaos To Calm: 5 Tips To Improve Your Environmental Wellness

Spring is the season to clear out the cobwebs and nurture growth. It’s also the perfect time to check in with your environmental wellness—that is, your health as it relates to your relationship with nature and your environment. Environmental wellness is a holistic approach to maintaining your health, the health of those around you, and the health of our natural world.

Natural Spring Cleaning: Make Your Own Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

Once crocuses and hyacinths begin to bloom, I’m itching to scrub my floors, vacuum my carpets, and otherwise shed the layer of dust that winter has brought. It’s spring cleaning time!

Is Tiny House Living Right for Your Family?

If you’ve ever found yourself watching Tiny House Nation with a trace of envy, you may be wondering if tiny house living is right for your family. Although tiny houses may seem like practical dwellings for only singles or couples, there are growing numbers of families living in tiny houses with children. Ours is one of them.

Got Toys? How Many Is Too Many

We love our kids. But in our love, are we showering them with one too many things? And other than possibly encouraging materialism, are we also reducing their attention spans (which can set them up for disappointment down the road)?

Your floor squeaks, your cupboard shelves whirr and when you sit on your couch, it tends to speak out. What are we talking about? A home overladen and overburdened with one too many toys. As parents, we want the best for our children in every way. But is buying them every new toy that hits the shelves a good idea?