
The 7th Chakra & Your Relationship To The Universe

Welcome to the final article of the chakra series. We have reached the crown, the seat of cosmic consciousness and divine intelligence. This is the center that transcends all the individuality that your lower chakras have worked so hard to create. This is where you step into the experience that ALL IS ONE.

Yoga’s Spirited Tree: The 8 Limbs Of Yoga

The eight limbs of yoga first appeared in ancient yoga writings, called the Patanjali's Yoga sutras. The Yoga Sutras offer an intention for living that is still relevant today. The word sutras means to thread or weave. When practiced with attention and presence they refine and stabilize every aspect of our lives.

Intro To Hindu Deities: Ardhanaishwara, The Twin Flame & Balancing Masculine/Feminine

Have you ever contemplated bringing your brain hemispheres into balance and why that would be beneficial? How about practicing yoga for the benefit of bringing harmony to your inner masculine and feminine natures?

Mantras That Matter: Lakshmi Mantra For Wealth & Abundance

Wealth is more than money. We are all connected to an unlimited source of wealth and abundance just by being divine humans—the trick is we have either blocked it, forgotten it, or both. It is a natural state of being to access the wealth of the universe in all its many forms simply because we are a part of it and we ARE it. On a very real level, the universe is within us as much as we are within the universe.

Intro to Hindu Deities: Krishna Consciousness and Divine Love

Hari Krishna Hari Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hari Hari

Hari Ram Hari Ram

Ram Ram Hari Hari


The True Meaning Of Tantra & How To Practice It Daily

I feel I have always been a tantrika by nature. I often imagine lifetimes where I must have danced in the ancient temples of India with other women who remembered this Divine truth. How we, as the tantrikas, must have been the souls to which one turned when they were unable to contact the holy within them—whether out of guilt, shame, or fear from what horrors or traumas they had experienced.

Intro To Hindu Deities: Saraswati, Divine Mother of Art, Music & Wisdom

From the chaos of the creative impulse came the birth of the Devi goddess of all—Saraswati. She is the Mother of art, music, wisdom, and knowledge.

How To Make An Altar: Bring The Sacred Into Everyday

Lighting the candle and stick of jasmine incense, I arrange the multi-colored stones into a pattern to reflect the harmony and depth I seek. In the corners of the table, set aside just for such a daily ritual, I place one pinecone, one feather, one small bowl of water and one tea light—each representing one of the four directions and corresponding elements. In the center, the original candle burns, standing in as me—the light of consciousness aware of this life.