
Create New Habits Under The Aquarius New Moon

The New Moon in Aquarius on February 4 also corresponds with the Chinese New Year of the Pig, which runs from February 5, 2019, until next year’s New Moon in Aquarius on January 24, 2020. The Year of the Pig portends your potential to indulge in fantasy or to impose the rigors of reality on your life. Try to make this year one where you balance between the two extremes.

Healing Stones: Boji Stones Balance Masculine

They just looked like basic round rocks to me. It was hard at first for me to categorize them into the same status as other shinier, more “precious” looking stones. However, after holding the set for only a few moments I could feel that these were no ordinary rocks. Boji stones, native to Southwestern Kansas, have the power to bring the poles of the body into balance. This single trait alone (though it is not all these balls can do), makes them worth the investment.

Healing Stones: Red Garnet & Life Force Energy

Red as blood, red as molten lava, as the fires of life dancing in the embers. Dark as night, as the cave of wonders, as the unknown depths of a person’s soul before discovering the gifts awaiting them. Red garnet is a dark red stone whose vibration and color helps us to tune into the richness of our capacity to live by aligning us with the fires of kundalini awakening in our root.

Birthstone Series: Scorpio and Black Kyanite for Exploring the Subconscious

As the sun moves into the deep waters of Scorpio we are all being called to face all that which has been cloaked in the unseen. Scorpio rules the 8th house in the astrological chart which includes magic, sexuality, death, inheritances/other people’s money, investments, crimes, dreaming, regeneration, reincarnation, shamanism, the subconscious mind and the mystical underworld.

Birthstone Series: Libra and Apatite for Enhanced Communication

When the sun sits under the constellation of Libra, the scales come into balance and relationships come to the forefront of our minds and our experiences. By utilizing the stunning blue or yellow variety of Apatite gemstone, you can feel expanded clarity around issues of the heart and a refinement in Libra’s already enhanced intuitive force.

3 Green Beauty Trends To Try

Do you love following the latest trends? Then pull up a chair and have a seat: I've got the in on some insanely big trends coming to the green beauty industry. Green beauty is great because you don't have to worry about any synthetic ingredients in your products. Here are three green beauty trends to look out for.  

How To Make An Altar: Bring The Sacred Into Everyday

Lighting the candle and stick of jasmine incense, I arrange the multi-colored stones into a pattern to reflect the harmony and depth I seek. In the corners of the table, set aside just for such a daily ritual, I place one pinecone, one feather, one small bowl of water and one tea light—each representing one of the four directions and corresponding elements. In the center, the original candle burns, standing in as me—the light of consciousness aware of this life.

Birthstone Series: Clarify & Focus With Carnelian & Quartz For Virgo

With the sun moving through the constellation of Virgo we are influenced by the element of earth and Virgo’s strong organizational and precise way of viewing the world. In order to more easily connect to what Virgo offers, both the clear quartz crystal as well as the carnelian stone can help offer both heightened precision as well as grounding support for the month.

Birthstone Series: Leo and the Lion's Gate with Gold and Tiger's Eye

Imagine walking a yellow brick road made of gold and flickering tiger’s eye crystals through arching doorways lined with Lions. This is the vibration of the astrological sign of Leo as we enter into the month of August every year, ferocious and fierce -- however this year dials it up a notch.