
Fight Food Waste With Better Food Storage

Ever store food only to have it spoil a few days later? There might be a reason for that: Improper storage can definitely lead to faster food spoilage. This really sucks considering it's a waste of money. Not to mention food waste is very bad for the environment. If you'd like to prevent food from rotting or molding before you can get your hands on it, here are some important storage tips to remember. 


The Four-Course Vegan Dinner Party Guide

A four-course vegan meal to awaken your senses, nourish your body, and create a memorable night with friends. 


Having friends over for a four-course vegan dinner is easier than you think! Keep reading for all the information you need to host a wonderful evening for four people.



Appetizer: Tequila Avocado Toast 

Soup: Rustic Tortilla Soup

Main Course: Exotic Mushroom Tofu Scramble

Meatless Monday: The Comfort & Ritual Of Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup

Early fall is a special time to set yourself up for the holiday season. Eat with intention now and fall will gracefully blossom into a manageable, even magical, winter. Seasonal fall/winter food is warming, comforting, and grounding.

Raw Milk Recipes: Make Your Own Cheese

Making cheese is a craft handed down by generations of people from all over the world. To make a raclette, for instance, takes time, patience, perfect conditions, healthy animals, and skilled people. You, however, can be the maker of your very own cheese as well. Fresh farmer’s cheese is relatively quick and easy to make and can be used in so very many ways, from a spread on toast, to paneer cubes in your next curry, a topping for a salad, or even on pancakes.

A Dozen Apple Varieties To Try This Fall

As the evenings wind down earlier with the falling sun and the nights become cooler, autumn is upon us. And with fall comes the wonderful flavors of the season…generally revolving around pumpkin spice or the bite of a fresh, crisp apple.

Raw Milk Recipes: Make Your Own Yogurt

Local, raw milk is one of the greatest gifts that cows can give us. You can feel good about consuming local raw milk because in most cases you are building a direct relationship between yourself and your food source. If you are nervous about consuming raw milk, I encourage you to go out to the farm where the milk is produced and see for yourself how the process works. Any farmer that cares about their consumer will be happy to show you their set-up and introduce you to their cows.

Mindful Nutrition: Teaching Kids Mealtime Mindfulness For Healthy Habits

How do we break the epidemic of obesity and disease plaguing the Western world or countries of affluence? That is a very heavy question that could easily incite a heated debate. Various scientists and medical professionals could weigh in with studies that focus on the whole food plant-based diet as promoted in The China Study written by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Thomas M. Campbell II and others that subscribe to more moderate diets that favor animal-based protein.

Unconventional Uses For 10 Tools In Your Kitchen

Kitchen tools that serve only one function have no place in my kitchen! Work smarter, not harder—get creative with the tools you’ve already got hanging around and save money you could otherwise spend on more delicious groceries! Try using these ten kitchen tools in the following innovative ways…


5 Must-Grow Mints For Your Garden (& Medicine Cabinet)

Mints are easy-to-grow perennials that are a beautiful and (usually) lovely-smelling addition to your garden—even if your garden is limited to a balcony, like mine is.  They do well at sea level. They do well at mountainous elevations. They can hack cool, damp summers or hot, intense summers. They are fine being buried in snow and will be there waiting for you in the spring.   While mints generally prefer rich and well-drained soil, I’ve grown them in heavy clay soils.

3 Useful Weeds To Forage In Early Spring

Springtime is long at last here and it’s time to take full advantage of the fantastic wild food sources that are beginning to burst from the earth. Spring is my favorite time of year to do food foraging, because there are some particularly special offerings. Spring is all about fresh beginnings: light greens, tender shoots, and cool roots.