
Superfood 101: Jaboticaba!

Jaboticaba is a member of the family yrtaceae or Myrtle family of the genus Myrciaria Berg, also known as guava berry, containing the species Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.) O. Berg or jaboticaba. The plant is native to Brazil and is also known as the Brazilian grape tree. For millennia the native peoples used jaboticaba as a snack and for making wine. Its nutritional value has made this fruit a valuable tool in their healing arsenal.

Essential Oil Essentials: Injury Prevention—Oils For Pre-Workout & Post-Workout

Essential oils can be a great way to keep moving.  They’re super helpful after an injury but are also great for preventing injury.  


Two great steps to take to support your musculoskeletal system and reduce the chance for injury are to use a warm-up liniment on muscles before physical activity and to use a soothing topical on joints and sore muscles afterwards.  


Superfood 101: Jalapeno Peppers!

Jalapeno peppers are a member of the family Solanaceae commonly known as the Potato family of the genus Capsicum L. or pepper P. The plant is native to Mexico and was used by the Aztecs for centuries. It is the most common of the chilies grown in Mexico and because of the thick skin cannot be dried like other chilies.

Superfood 101: The Health Benefits Of Black Currants

Black currant is a member of the family Grossulariaceae, commonly known as the currant family of the genus Ribes L. or currant P that contains sixty-five species, five of which are the American black currant, the northern black currant, the western black currant, the trailing black currant, and the European black currant.

Superfood 101: The Many Health Benefits Of Nettles

Nettles are a member of the family Urticaceae, commonly known as the Nettle family of the genus Urtica L. or Nettle P. with five species. The most commonly found is the stinging nettle, with three subspecies.

Essential Oils For Consciousness: Cedarwood & The Connection Of Belonging

We all have the need for belonging, to feel part of a tribe or family, to feel loved. It is a natural inclination of being human. We crave connection, intimacy, and a sense of togetherness. From a Cosmic perspective, one could see that this is so because—from the largest vantage point—we really are One. We come from One energy, One Source, One Life.

Superfood 101: Pears!

The pear is a member of the family Rosaceae, or rose family. The genus contains four species and is native to the area of the Caucasus. The Aryan tribes introduced the pear to other parts of Europe and Northern India. There are more than 1000 varieties of pears existing today and they are rich in nutrients. Cultivating and grafting of the plant was developed in Greece in approximately 300 B.C.E.

Why Eat Wheatgrass? 20 Benefits

Frankly, with words like chia, flaxprobiotics, goji, and more making the rounds, it’s understandable to become sick of the whole bandwagon of health food and stick to a normal diet instead.

Ask A Practitioner: Should I Avoid Nightshades?

Join every week for a Q&A session with one of Basmati’s practitioners, Melissa Hill (FDN-P)! We know that there is a lot of confusing information out there, which can make applying health advice overwhelming.  Sometimes, it’s best to ask a practitioner directly, so each week we’ll cover a common health question!

Mother Earth's Medicine Cabinet: Best Herbs For Arthritis

Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints. It causes stiffness and pain in the affected area. There are over 100 types of arthritis and related arthritic conditions known today. Over 50 million adults and well over 250 thousand children deal with some type of arthritis.