Cracking the Egg Label Code

Eggs - they are simple, nutritious and come in their own natural shipping container.

So how did they become so complicated?

All natural, free-range, humanely raised, pasture-raised - it is confusing! If you are not able to raise your own hens, then how do you buy the best eggs? Sometimes you stare at the choices so long you just decide to go with the least expensive carton and move on.

Let's take a look at what those labels really mean:

Trying Yoga? Know The Types

Trying Yoga? Know The Types

If you’re finally heading towards yoga, and that is a good thing indeed, you might find yourself confused by which yoga to do. For there are many different kinds of yoga, being taught by, and for, different kinds of people…

Mother Earth’s Medicine Cabinet: Mother Nature’s First Aid Kit

Mother Nature literally provides us with everything we need, in every aspect. This first aid kit is made from simple plants or plant products that are easy to come by and well-known.

These 7 items I am going to discuss are the very basic components of Mother Nature’s First Aid Kit. It’s possible you have all of these items in your kitchen or growing out in your yard already. That’s right, the very weeds along your sidewalk could be benefiting you in a big way!

Your Astrology Weekly Forecast: December 4-10, 2016

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity.  Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto).  And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tunin

5 Herbs for Better Sleep

If you are suffering from insomnia, sleep can be a challenge. Tossing and turning, wondering if you're going to finally get some rest, or if the night will be like all those other sleepless nights is a terrible thing. Even for those that only have the occasional bout of a restless night suffer the consequences the following day.

3 Plant Oils (Besides Coconut) That You Need to Know

Recently, I had to rush one of my best friends to the hospital. The reason? Coconut oil. While coconut oil is a rare allergy, it's a dangerous one because it's in everything from hand soap to tropical drinks. While I personally adore coconut oil, and all coconut products, my friend's intense allergic reaction was an eye opener for me: Not everyone can enjoy the benefits of coconut oil. It made me wonder what alternative plant oils there are out there for non-coconut lovers, or people (like my friend) who are allergic.

Are Your Essential Oils Safe For Your Pet?

Essential oils can be a source of pleasure and healing for us. For our beloved pets, they can be a sometimes-fatal danger. This risk is doubled in the winter when closed windows can build up higher essential oil concentrations in our homes.

It’s been incredibly gratifying to watch aromatherapy reach the mainstream over the past decade, but with such widespread usage comes the risk of misinformation. Natural doesn’t always mean safe for everyone; after all, plants produce essential oils partially to deter the insects and animals which would otherwise feast upon them.

Organic Home Garden Series: 6 Benefits of Compost Tea

We often hear about tea being used for its many health qualities for the body, but did you know that tea can be beneficial for your home garden as well? It’s called compost tea, and here are six great gardening benefits you can gain from using it!

Vegan Pumpkin Mac and Cheese

If you haven't yet gotten your pumpkin on this season, this may be the recipe you've been waiting for! Who doesn't like mac and cheese on a chilly fall day – heck, who doesn't like mac and cheese any day of the week?!

Superfood 101: Kale!

Kale is a member of the species Brassica oleracea, which includes cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, cauliflower and broccoli. It has been cultivated for more than 2000 years and though originally found wild in the Mediterranean region it is a cold climate tolerant plant. The term kale is derived from the Scottish word “kail” and the word was used in the 19th Century, referring to dinner.