Chakras: An Introduction to the Mystical Rainbow in the Spine

Flying on the serpent of light, passing through initiation after initiation at each energy plexus, the rainbow colors activate and bring new layers and levels of consciousness to the one who opens the gates.

The Supermarket Gardener: Part 4 - Herbs

Herbs, Herbs and More Herbs:


Average Cost Per Pound In U.S. and Midwest Region


Time to Reach Maturity

130-140 days

Scraps To Garden:

Clean Living with Cilantro

You either love it – or hate it.

I stand in the group of cilantro lovers – I’m happy to pile on that peppery, parsley stunt double. But for a small percentage of the population, including the late French chef Julia Child, the flat-leafed herb tastes oddly like soap, or even bugs.

Cilantro is the Spanish term for the leaves of the coriander plant – you probably recognize coriander as a dried fruit or seed used in many ethnic dishes. The word “coriander” is believed to be derived from the Greek word “koris,” meaning “bedbug.”

Recipe: A Healthy Take on Pumpkin Cheesecake

From pumpkin lattes to the traditional pie, this season’s harvest has no match. Pumpkins and gourds stock the market shelves, foods that fill not only the belly, but the soul. Living in Barcelona, I wasn’t able to travel home to the United States for Thanksgiving, but there are little reminders of home I can whip up in my adopted country that ring in the season.

Food Donations Tiny Compared to Mountains of Wasted Food

Millions of households struggle daily to get enough to eat, while millions of tons of food waste are generated annually by commercial food manufacturers, restaurants, food wholesalers and grocers.

Most wasted food gets buried in landfills, although a small amount is turned into compost, according to a 2014 report analyzing U.S. food waste among surveyed food manufacturers, restaurants, food wholesalers and retailers.

Why You Can (And Totally Should) Make Your Own Toothpaste

Oh, the irony. So many of the products we use for personal hygiene are actually full of not-so-clean chemicals. Fortunately, we now have more transparency about ingredients, so we can decide what to put on our shelves.

It may take some time and money to give your entire bathroom cabinet a health makeover, so it’s important to prioritize. First up? Toothpaste.

Vegan PB + J Mousse Bars

Ah, the humble PB and J. The sweet and peanut-y sandwich combination that continues to win the hearts of kindergarteners and adults alike. These days you can find peanut butter and jelly in everything, such as pancakes, cupcakes, ice cream, even poutine!

Superfood 101: Sunflower Seeds!

The sunflower is native to North America and was cultivated by the Native Americans in approximately 3000 B.C.E. in what is now New Mexico and Arizona. The sunflower is believed to be older than corn. They developed the single flowered plant with seeds that are black, white, red and multi-colored stripes of white and black. It was a common food throughout the continent: the seed was pounded into flour for cakes, mush and bread.

The Gluten Free Crepe Recipe of Your Dreams

Someone once said that the best friends are the ones who feed you beautiful food.  I would add that the ones who share great recipes are pretty fabulous too.  When I was looking for a way to make gluten-free crepes, my friend Dino Lenger told me about his mom’s recipe.  This wonderful little formula traveled thousands of miles, required a bit of translation, and ended up producing a delicious, thin pancake that seems to work with everything that a wheat flour crepe does, without the gluten.  Arrowroot flour is used in place of wheat flour and gives body to the crepe.