Cooking with Spices 101: How to Store Spices

With limited kitchen space, the spice rack has grown in popularity. It allows you to take stock of your spices in a nice, neat order. When you’re ready to cook, simply grab, shake, and put the spice container back in its place. But have you ever stopped to wonder if this was good for the spices?

The reality of the matter is that the best place to store your spices all has to do with temperature, moisture, and sunlight. Let's take a look at the reasoning behind the ideal storage place for your spices.

Avoid The Spices Rack

30 Day Meditation Challenge

Welcome to 2017! It can be hard to stick to your New Year's resolution all on your own, so we're creating a mindfulness movement for the New Year! Join us for our 30 Day Meditation Challenge and meditate your way to the best year yet! Videos will be posted daily to this article.

Have you tried meditating before? New to the practice? Need to get back into it -- this series is perfect for you! 

Day 1: The basics of meditation -- what to expect, how to prepare, and some short meditations to get you (back) into the groove.


Mother Earth's Medicine Cabinet: A Natural Approach To Quitting Nicotine

I began smoking at far too young of an age, though any age is too young to start such a habit. Eventually, I decided to quit. There are so many doctors out there who are quick to put you on prescription medications and nicotine substitutes in order to help you quit smoking. However, this method really just amounts to replacing one bad habit with another. It is very important that if you DO replace a habit to make it be a good habit that takes the place of the bad. Of course, each person is different, so different methods work for different people.

Best Foods for Headache Relief

I used to get really bad headaches all the time (I’m talkin’ tons of tears). Thankfully, I only suffer from headaches occasionally now, and I’m convinced the improvement has to do with diet.

Your Astrology Weekly Forecast: January 29 - February 4, 2017

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity.  Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto).  And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy

DIY Natural Hair Care 101: Herbal Hair Teas

Herbal hair teas are super nourishing, give your hair extra vitamins, and can even bring out subtle tints and colors. They can also help treat oily, dry, or thinning hair (depending on the herbs used).

Yogic Moral Code: The Yamas and Niyamas

In yogic philosophy, the first two limbs of Patanjali’s eightfold path outline the yamas and the niyamas – together, a code of ethics for how to be in the world. As few things are in yogic thought, the appearance of the yamas and nimayas as the first and second of the eight limbs of Raja yoga is not haphazard. These two sets of five restraints and five observances form the foundation of the yogic path to samadhi, or divine union and enlightenment.

Organic Home Garden Series: 13 Reusable Items For Unique Plant Containers

Ever wonder what you can do with some of those old items you no longer use? Use them as new homes for your plants! Plant containers can be made from all sorts of things, so there’s really no need to spend your hard-earned money on boring, conventional planters. To give you a little inspiration, here are 13 reusable items that make unique plant containers.


Grow Your Own Alfalfa Sprouts At Home

For clever farmers, alfalfa is a nitrogen-fixer, but for those of us who aren’t quite on that scale yet, alfalfa sprouts add a fabulously light, crunchy, young-green flavor to any meal. And they taste even better when you grow them yourself…in your kitchen…with materials you (probably, hopefully) already have on hand!

Easy Miso Soup: A 4 Ingredient Recipe

If you frequent Japanese restaurants as much as me, you know how delicious miso soup is. If you want to save a buck, or eat at home for a change, this is the recipe for you. It should make about 4 servings and will literally take 15 minutes to make. You never want to cook miso soup too long because otherwise the seaweed will turn to mush. Also, feel free to double or halve this recipe to make the desired amount you're looking for. Don't feel bad about making or eating too much though: This recipe is only around 22 calories per serving!
