Your Weekly Astrological Forecast: June 17-23, 2018

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity.  Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto).  And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path.  It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.  *NOTE*  There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.  


Weekly Forecast: June 17 – 23, 2018


6/18 ~ Neptune Retrogrades @16* PISCES:

Where the Moon represents the individual womb energy, Neptune represents the collective womb experience on a much higher level. So as a whole, we are all returning to the womb at this time, essentially preparing for (yet another) rebirth. It's not going to be as tangible as some would prefer, from Neptune comes all things formless but very, very real - subconscious, dreams, magic, music, art, etc. While the ‘womb’ was the Source of nourishment & protection at one time, we annually renew that connection through Neptune Retro. It’s time to check in on the relationship between the Spirit and the Human form. Every year, we are supported to renew that which supports us on a spiritual level. It is where you need to return periodically for strength, nourishment & wisdom. The more regularly you are able to do this, the stronger the connection to your Spirit and true Purpose. When Neptune Retrogrades, it may be less shocking than Uranus or Pluto, but no less effective. It's primary goal during a Retrograde is to gently dissolve personal boundaries and remind you that you are an Eternal Spirit in a Temporary Form. You start to realize your connection to the whole. Not a bad idea, but to some, it can be unsettling if they are rigidly holding on to the boundaries of a false sense of security. Where you might pursue your dreams & visions when it's Direct, when it's Retrograding, be creative, read, write, sing, dance - in private - for your own pure joy & delight, as well as for cleansing, releasing purposes. In addition to dreaming for the community, dream for your deepest Self as well. Connect to that original intent; that original person when you were born to be, before you were imprinted by your family, culture or environment. Original Intent. Get back to your Center and renew your connection to Great Spirit when you can over the next 5+ months.

*Neptune is a collective planet, which means that all those born in a 14-year period have Neptune in the same Sign and will share this *spiritual connection*. Jamie of calls it a ‘shared dream’ of each generation and has a fantastic, short article on the generations HERE.


6/19 ~ Mercury (learning & mind) ~trine~ Jupiter (education & consciousness):

This energy is great for expanding your mind, learning something new or taking a class. It's time to plan for the future and start getting organized. However, you may feel less disciplined and more creative, which is fine in the beginning, but eventually focus & discipline will have to be engaged to ground your new ideas, thoughts or concepts. You have to ask your Self, 'How bad do you want it?' If you are self-aware, awake & alert, you will be able to see (and seize) the opportunities as they present themselves. It may 'appear' to be luck, but it's really more that you were in alignment with the Cosmos, present & positive, and ultimately, able to trust & follow your instincts. Practice, there is no perfection. Being optimistic & looking for opportunity in every experience will magnetize the positive and naturally repel the negative, leading right where you want to be! Take advantage of this good energy to connect to whatever it is you are trying to create in your life at this time.


6/20 ~ Mercury (ideas) ~trine~ Neptune (dreams):

This energy activates your creative process & intuition. You may catch yourSelf unconsciously drifting aimlessly but a better use of this combination is to open to the other realms for ideas & information and play with it, free flow, see where it leads. It is not the time for pragmatic analysis, but more a time to explore the infinite possibilities available to you, as well as what's going on in your own consciousness. You may be more sensitive than usual, opening yourself to information or awareness that isn't always that readily available. Remember, to keep good boundaries when *opening* like this and if you have to be around people, try to maintain the mystical, creative vibe this energy is best for.


6/21 ~ Venus (values & priorities) ~oppose~ Mars (purpose & desire):

This energy brings a balance & integration of your inner masculine & feminine energies. Your inner masculine is supposed to negotiate on your behalf, get your ideas in the world & maintain good boundaries, while your inner feminine is a guiding force that creates space to contain & nurture life and your creative babies. Because it is an opposition, it's time to check in with your SoulSelf to make sure you're not swinging between extremes, or trying to force issues rather than being open & receptive and going with the flow. Of course Venus & Mars brings relationships into the light, forcing issues of balance & integration within your relationships as well. Remember, as you change, others must change or go away. As you integrate more balance within you, maintaining balance with others becomes almost effortless. Also, if sexuality is an aspect of your relationship, then that too will undergo a balancing/re-balancing of sorts with this activation. Rather than project onto another, ask your Self some questions regarding your true desires and your true values. What is closest to your heart and fires you up from within, with no props, people or payments necessary?


6/21 ~ Summer Solstice:

This is the MidPoint in the year, bringing another Turn of the Wheel, the peak power of the Light before it surrenders, moving toward completion of that which was seeded at Winter Solstice. Permanently opposite each other, eternally balancing and re-balancing ... integrating and re-integrating ~ *LIFE*DEATH*LIFE CYCLE ~ ... These Sacred Seasons represent the time of year we should focus on the balance and integration of our natural extremes & innate dualities: Light/Darkness ~ Yin/Yang ~ Feminine/Masculine ~ Inner/Outer ~ Cancer/Capricorn. While Winter is a time of rest, replenishment and rejuvenation, Summer is the time of pouring forth, emptying out and fully birthing/releasing your creations (or whatever you've done with your creative energy thus far this year). This is the MidPoint of the Solar Year, a point of *culmination & choice* ~ a time to count your blessings, assess your creations, gather power, and access the courage (Sun) to move forward. This is a balance of your outer world (Capricorn) and your inner world (Cancer) with emphasis on the Sacred Space where you fortify and replenish (Cancer) so you are able to contribute something significant (Capricorn). Be creative and operate from heart-center as you move through this Sacred Season, release what needs to be released and fertilize the next phase of the annual cycle. SUMMER Solstice is time to celebrate the primal creative Force, the mother-of-all-mothers, Mother Earth by acknowledging the blessed *Container, Nurturer and Protector* that She is for ALL Life on this planet. Connect to and honor your own instinctual nature at this time. And be mindful of the nutrient you take in to your body, mind, spirit and space. Summer is the Sacred Season of *Maximum Light* ~ so be passionate and be present!


6/23 ~ Sun (source & essential Self) ~sextile~ Uranus (freedom & individuality):

This activation will help you access a deeper sense of authenticity as everyday routine events may be enlightening this week. Anytime Uranus is involved 'ah-ha moments' are available, those sudden inspirations or the surprising clarity that changes everything is bubbling near the surface, you need but invite it in (to your conscious mind to be useful). Eventually, you will have to ground these breakthroughs in some physical form, but this energy supports the exploration of possibilities. Where can you use a dose of freedom & liberation? This energy also promotes 'authentic living' - you won't be able to be phony, nor tolerate it in others this week. Just remember that truth sometimes rattles those who would rather play 'nice' (keep up appearances/status quo) than face the facts, so watch out for rebelliousness, if not in you then in others. This is not a disruptive energy, except to those who resist change. Don't fight it - embrace it! Change is good, it means you are growing!


6/23 ~ Mercury (communication & self-expression) ~oppose~ Pluto (purification & transformation):

*NOTE* I recommend reviewing Jan 24, 2018 entry, when Mercury initiated with Pluto. This was a tremendous recalibration of your thinking and a lot of what I said then, applies now. However, this current activation (6/23) is about 5-months later, when you've had time to integrate or adjust to what was revealed back then. This opposition is between your ideas, thoughts & concepts and our unconscious drives, supporting some deep-digging into the power of your mind and thoughts. How has your thinking shaped your choices over the last 6-months? Are you still operating from an old paradigm of thought? Any opposition is a chance for true integration and we will always have to work at balancing our conscious and unconscious thinking as it affects our day-to-day choices. This could be a good time to consult with a trusted advisor or wise friend to clarify what is coming into your conscious awareness about your own self-sabotaging ideas, thoughts or concepts. This activation supports pulling it out by the root. Often, we address the symptoms rather than the true cause of our discomfort. Pluto won't allow that. It's time to go deeper and recognize your own power, the power of your heart and mind, and find that middle ground that allows you peace within and effectiveness without.


This article originally appeared on Karmic Tools.  


Kelly’s KarmicTools Weekly Forecast also on youtube here!