Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasana / Revolved wide legs
Great twist for the spine that is easy and in which you can teach the principles of twists safely.
Stretches the hamstrings.
Good opening for the shoulder girdle.
Foundation & General Alignment:
Feet are a wide distance apart and parallel to one another.
Feet are active, arches are lifting. Leg muscles are engaged, straight if available if not keep bent.
Sacrum is parallel to the earth.
Chest is open and broad.
Shoulder blades hug the back of the body.
The supporting hand is placed on fingertips under the shoulder. The fingertips hold up upper part of the body, they are part of the foundation.
The other hand can be on sacrum or extended upward with arm muscles engaged.
You can look up but generally you look to the side.
Common Problems:
Feet turned out.
Weight on the outside edge of feet.
Hyperextension of the knee.
Chin pulled toward chest or head flung back.
Turn the feet in a bit for students with tight hips.
Bend the knees or use block under hand for tight students.