Organic Home Garden Series: 8 Revivable Plants

You don’t always have to go out and get seeds to grow new organic plants in your garden. In fact, you may want to reconsider getting new seeds to grow because some plants can successfully attempt to regrow themselves. Yep, that’s right! Some plants can regrow themselves from merely a piece of the plant from which they came. And the neat thing is that these can be regrown repeatedly the same way. Curious to know which plants can do this? Here are 8!

  1. Bok Choy

You can easily regrow bok choy by cutting the stalk near the base, and placing the base in a bowl or jar of water. It is essential to change the water every 2 to 3 days, so the water stays fresh. You can then replant the bok choy in your garden when it starts developing roots.

  1. Garlic

Garlic can generally be revived by using a sprouted clove and very little water.

  1. Scallions

You can cut off the top of the scallions and then place them in a jar with water to regrow new ones. The scallions can indeed grow back fairly fast.

  1. Celery

Celery can be regrown by using only two inches of the celery stalk base. When it starts to sprout roots, it can be transplanted back into the garden.

  1. Basil

Basil is the one plant that amazes me the most because you can cut off at the bottom and the leaf, place the stem in water, and it will grow back roots for transplanting in about a week. Now that’s revival!   

  1. Lemon Grass

Propagating lemon grass is very easy to do. You simply cut off the foliage using only an inch or two of the stem. Place the stem in water near an area sunlight can reach it. When the lemon grass roots and foliage are at proper length, you can transplant it into the garden.

  1. Ginger Root

Place a piece of ginger root and plant it in some potting soil. In about a week or two, you will have enough to place it in your garden for regrowth. This process can be repeated to grow more ginger.

  1. Romain Lettuce

The heart or the very bottom of the lettuce after chopping off the lettuce head, can be saved and placed in water for regrowth of new lettuce head.

There’s no doubt that nature works in mysterious ways, especially when it comes to these eight plants. Not only is it sustainable to regrow your garden’s plants, it can be fantastic way to save money on from buying seeds as well. You may also be happy to know that if you use organic plants and then regrow them, they will still be organic.

Stay tuned for more organic home gardening tips and ideas!