organic gardening

3 Organic Fertilizers Your Garden Will Love

I love to garden even though I only have a small windowsill garden. That said, any space for gardening can utilize organic fertilizers! I only give my plants the best of the best, and these are all very easy to make at home. Here are three homemade organic fertilizers you can use on your plants ASAP. 


10 Steps To Fertile, Organic Soil

For those of us with a penchant for a green thumb, the soil can become a rather moody and mysterious being that flips out of control and destroys our work. To really get the best produce, you have got to decode soil, piece by piece…

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Geraniums

Geraniums belong to the genus Geranium L. – Geranium P. which contains forty-four species. The plant is native to South Africa and can be found throughout the world in temperate regions and tropical mountains. They grow prolifically in the eastern Mediterranean.