#WellnessWednesday - Yoga for Life: Week 26

Virabhadrasana lll


Strengthening, especially in the abs, back, and leg muscles.

Challenging but improves balance and coordination.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Weight evenly distributed over the standing foot.

Muscles are engaged in standing leg.

Muscles are engaged and lifted in standing leg. Foot is flexed and kneecap is pointing down towards the floor.

Both legs are fully extended.

Lower belly is toned and lifted.

Arms are extended alongside ears palms are turned facing each other.

Keep shoulders away from ears.

Common Problems:

Most at risk is the standing leg knee and hip, lower back, and neck.

Hyperextending the standing knee.

Upper back is rounded.


Hands on wall or chair.

Teach shape of pose lying on back, bottom foot at wall.

Variations: Arms out to the side, back, or on hips.