Welcome to our #WellnessWednesday yoga primer. Yoga is a wonderful way to become attuned to your body and increase circulation and flexibility. Each week I'll offer you a pose with benefits and instruction.
Figure 4 / Thread The Needle
- Great hip opener.
- Can help relieve sciatic pain.
- Is an alternative for pigeon pose.
Foundation & General Alignment:
- The whole back of body is on the floor, head to pelvis.
- One ankle is crossed over resting on opposite knee, resting on thigh by the knee..
- Keep hips level.
- Interlace hands on the back of the lower thigh. For a deeper stretch pull thigh towards you while using elbow closest to the crossed knee to gently push that thigh away.
- Keep shoulders back and away from ears.
- The neck has a natural curve.
Common Problems:
- Most at risk is low back, and possibly the neck if your head is thrown back.
- Hips do not remain level.
- Excessively pulling the leg.
- Blanket under your head.
- Gently press thighs away. Never press on the knee.
- Use a wall or chair.
Do engage in if: you have had a recent knee or hip replacement, or severe knee or hip pain.