#WellnessWednesday - Yoga for Life: Week 32

Ardha Chandrasana/ Half moon


Improves balance and coordination.

Strengthens knees and legs.

Tones lower spine. Good for sciatic pain.

Challenging but stimulating.

Foundation & General Alignment:

One foot and one hand, bearing weight equally.

Standing foot is at a 90 degree angle, four corners weighted.

Legs are fully engaged, knees lifted.

Lifted foot is flexed encourages lengthening of the low back, keep foot fluid.

Balanced pelvis and spine.

Hand under the shoulder, on fingertips or block.

Looking up is more advanced, head moves on back plane of the body, curve in neck.

Common Problems:

Most at risk is the standing knee, lower back, hamstring, groin, and neck.

Feet misaligned.

Top arm behind body.

Head forward not inline with spine.


Use a chair or a wall for support.

Block under supporting hand of tight hamstrings.

Supporting knee can be bent.