5 Festive *Vegan* Snack Ideas for Halloween

Whether you’re planning a Halloween party this October or looking to jazz up your kids’ lunches, you will love these vegan Halloween-themed ideas. With minimal, everyday ingredients you can turn any day into a magical and spooky adventure!

  1. Tofu Dog “Fingers”:

Ingredients include tofu dogs, almonds and ketchup.

-Start by making two shallow cuts about half-way down the tofu dog to imitate finger creases.

-Boil the tofu dog until cooked and then remove from water.

-Cut almonds in half and stick the almond into the top of the tofu dog as the “nail”.  

-Squeeze some ketchup onto the tofu dogs for a “bloody” look!

  1. Black Olive “Spiders” & Hummus:

Ingredients include large black olives and hummus.

-Put some hummus in a bowl.

-Take a black olive and cut it in half length-wise.

-Place one half of the olive (flat-side down) on top of the hummus.

-Cut the other half of the olive into 6 small strips that will be the spider “legs” and arrange them around the larger half of the olive in the bowl of hummus.

-Repeat as many times as you like to fill the hummus with “spiders”!

  1. Banana “Ghosts”:

Ingredients include large ripe bananas, raisins and peanut butter.

-Peel a ripe banana half-way down and then cut it. The top half of the banana will be our ghost’s body.

-Now take three raisins and arrange them into a face on one side of the banana, using peanut butter to glue them in place.

  1. Tangerine “Pumpkins”:

Ingredients include tangerines and celery.

-Peel the tangerine completely and set aside.

-Cut the celery into thin and short strips. These will be the stems on our “pumpkins”.

-Insert the strips of celery into the middle of the tangerine.

  1. Tortilla & Cheese “Bones”:

Ingredients include flour tortillas and vegan cheese.

-Place a flour tortilla in a greased pan over medium heat. Add shredded vegan cheese to one half of the tortilla and fold the other half over to cover the cheese.

-After about 2 minutes, turn the tortilla over and remove from heat when cheese has fully melted and tortilla become lightly browned.

-Allow the tortilla to cool completely.

-Using a sharp knife, cut the tortilla into a bone shape.