#WellnessWednesday - Yoga for Life: Week 27

Sukahasana / Easy Sitting


Opens the hips.

Great calming pose.

Perfect for meditating.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Sitting bones are weighted into the floor.

Outer edge of feet can be under knees or under hips.

Pelvis is in a neutral position.

Chin is parallel to the floor.

All sides or torso equally extended.

Shoulders are back and away from ears.

Head is resting halfway between knees and hips so elbows are under the shoulders.

Common Problems:

Most at risk is the knees, low back, and hips.

Unequal weight on sitting bones.

Back is rounded.


Blanket under hips for tighter practitioners.

Blanket can also support knees.

Sit in a chair instead of on the ground.